Chapter 13

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I could have sworn my heart stopped, missed several beats, then I remembered I had a tough facade to keep, telling my muscles to loosen up again and act like I hadn't just heard that.

"And?" I questioned steadily, keeping a specific rhythm to my- well my everything. If I was going to stay calm, I would have to be on a small scale schedule that told me to breathe and talk at certain points.

But it was so hard.

My knees felt shaky, as if I'd been kneeling for three hours, and I didn't quite know if my balance was making me sway back and forth as I tried standing tall and still.

"And probably wants to kill you"

That was what I was expecting Fury to say, but when he put it into a sentence with his ominous, rude voice, it made my anger and anxiety flare up even more.

"Probably" I pointed out "maybe he'd just like to have some coffee and talk about my work with me"

But I knew that was obscure. I remember what he did last year. He killed thousands of people, nearly his own brother. He controlled an entire army of ruthless aliens and beasts.

I had stubbornly imagined my demise to be with old age or, in a drastic case, a god.

Well here's the proof that dreams do come true.

"Is this a game to you?" Fury snapped me out of my thoughts. I was going to say something witty, but my mouth spoke before I could think.

"No" it spat.

Hey mouth, shut up.

"Then what is it?"

Think quickly brain, your good at the speed thing.

"A job" I finally said, hoping he would allow Steve to take me back to the room.

"You can go back to your cell" he hissed, instead. "Rogers, you stay and tell me what she told you"

But the last thing I wanted to do was allow him any information that could help him take down anything. And I glared at Steve as I walked by, muttering "Don't breathe a word".

Which he probably did because of his emotional traits. I mean that by, he fights for what's right, and gives the good side the good information. I don't know if friends would matter to such a person as him. Or even if they would matter to me, maybe.

Surely I had entered the room for Amy, to speak with her and know what happened.

Or maybe I had just entered to gain an explanation.

The doors to Fury's office shut behind me with a metal clang as I began walking back to where I had come from. But Tony was still there, and joined in my strides, but taking less because of the differences in size.

"Well that sounded fun" he said with some strange grin.

"How'd you hear?" I questioned.

"I have little cameras and microphones all over every important room in this facility" all I did was nod. "But don't tell anyone" he added.

I didn't want to reply, so I just laughed and continued my direction. As if I would tell anyone anything that could be held against someone that had maybe saved me from a whole lot of to tutoring pain.

"But what does it feel like?" He questioned, snapping his fingers. "To be chased by a god- I mean, I've been wanted by terrorists and genocidals, but- a god? I can barely beat Thor. Let alone his entire army"

"I just didn't know I was worth that much" I said honestly, trying to shrug off the anxiety that seemed to be filling my entire body now.

"Surprising isn't it?" He responded quickly. "I know what I'm worth, and am surprised at how little amount of people want me dead. But you? You have Shield officials warning agents of their consequences if they kill you"

"And a god that probably wants you dead"

He had to add that, of course.

"You sure do know how to get on people's nerves" I reasoned with how Steve had seemed around him.

"I have a feeling you do too" he was referring to the little escapade with Fury.

I stopped at a corridor that went three different ways. "Um. Which way?" I questioned.

"Well-" he began with a wide smirk, "your 'cell' is that way" he pointed to the left. "But the lab, is that way" and he pointed to the right.

I wavered in my stance for a moment.

Should I?

I should.


"Dr. Banner, this is Halo Band" Tony introduced as I entered the large white room hesitantly. Banner im,exist lay looked up from his computer and took off his glasses.

"I thought she was supposed to be in her cell"

Tony's shoulders seemed to drop. "Is that what Fury told you?"

"It was announced five minutes ago" Banner responded.

"Well now she's here, and you should explain things to her. Get her aboard the science train"

"I'm sure she's already in the directors chair" he said, walking over and holding his hand out to me. I shook it normally, remembering that this was the big green Hulk that acted like a mad drunk when activated.

Tread lightly Halo.


"So how do you know Dr. Hunt wants to take over other bodies with my cells?" I questioned after Banner showed me everything that he was working on with my projects. Tony had long left, telling he had to go watch what Steve told Fury from his cameras at the Stark building.

"Well, the fact that Amy, Clint, and Natasha had to fight off Mr. Davis and the security guard from killing you when you were originally on their- side, was a decent guess that they didn't exactly have good intentions"

"Amy- where is she?" I side topiced.

"She's on another mission, be back in a few days"

"But, do you know what he wants to turn into the 'zombies'?". Banner shook his head.

"Probably normal citizens. Police officers, his own agents"

"Do you think it would hurt?"

"You're the one who's been testing it"

So no, it didn't seem to hurt the mice.

After a long while, he began explaining how Hydra was going to create a remote for Dr. Hunt to control said things. He told me that I would have to practice my mind, instead of just using it when I needed it. So as to unlock whatever else there was to be discovered. And that I would have to work for Shield if I wanted to stop their plans. And then I asked if that meant I had to follow Fury's orders and he laughed, nodding.

After all of it, I sat down on an empty lab table. "Why do you think Loki wants me dead"

This made Banner raise his eyebrow and look up from the translucent computer he was reading on. "He probably doesn't" he said, then further explaining. "Nobody but the body of Shield and Hydra wants you dead"

"So everybody" I reasoned frankly.

"Everybody except the Avengers and Loki"

"Why not the Avenegers"

"Such a mind set as yours would be needed behind the scenes of larger operations- while I was out as the other guy"

"Does that happen a lot?"

"You'd be surprised. There's a lot of things un-publicized"

"So why wouldn't Loki want me dead- if I could have a possibility to stop all controlling of things evil"

"Because he knows, just as well as us, how powerful you actually would be if we did unlock 100% of your brain"

"I don't know what you mean"

"Most of us only use 15% of our mind. And aren't capable of handling anymore than that. But Stark and I both think you can handle 100% of it"

So in this entire thing- I get to be a nerd too.

How fun.

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