Chapter 18

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I don't know how long it's been, but I can hear a lot of commotion going on outside the door, but I don't feel like letting my mind out because I don't want Loki remembering me. He seems to have forgotten my existence for the time being.

(Five days earlier, 3rd POV)

"What was that?" Loki's collective mood immediately changed when the building shook as the alarms went off through the room he stood in. He looked over to the security screens and found Halo's cell, which she was still in, sitting on that couch staring at the blank wall, like always. She never seemed to move.

Lieutenant Crawford, or Sam, stood by the door, answering the god. "Agent Sim was working on a lab. She says she made an error and apologizes"

Loki seemed satisfied with his best agents answer, thus not detecting lies from him.

(Present, Halo POV)

After the commotion went silent, I heard the doors latches quickly being unlocked, which took a minute, and then the door swinging open. Since I sit on the floor, I first see a single pair of boots, and past them, down the hall, are three bodies with dents in the walls.

I wanted to hiss when my slurring mind realized who was standing in the doorway, but despite the sensation, all I did was look up at Loki with a cold glare.

But he didn't return the glare. He looked- almost, distraught, and angry.

Incredibly angry.

"Are you alright?" He seems to say it reluctantly, but I know nobodies making him say it.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I spat, standing myself steadily. "You can't just lock me up in this cell and expect me to help you. Let alone tell you anything on the Relavinx cells. Are you trying to kill me too? Is that what it -"

"I didn't know! For once" he shifted his stance and raised his finger, "once, I missed a lie"

I raised my eyebrow and crossed my arms. "So you really did forget about your little captive"

"I was told you refused to come out"

"By who? And why would you trust them? I mean, you're Loki! You're not supposed to trust anyone"

"Lieutenant Crawford was my most trusted agent, of course I trusted him". I had to gulp before asking my next question.

"And where is he now?"

Loki stepped to the side and looked at one of the bodies in the hall, "I killed him" he said nonchalantly.


That's what I would become?

"You didn't even question him first?" I shot curtly again.

"I didn't know if you were dead or not" he retorted, "I was in a bit of a rush. Sorry, that I didn't feel like taking a detour from saving you"

I narrowed my eyes. That seemed fishy, didn't it?

"I think you're lying" I said simply.

"Last time I checked, I was the lie detector"

He had some kind of- venom, in his voice, as if it poisoned my mind into believing his words.

"Silver tongue" I spat, causing whatever his expression was to change into the one I had seen before. Calm, collective, and villainous.

"Alright, you can stay here then. I don't care if you do" he turned and began walking down the hall. I mentally punched him before standing and following.

"So, you killed everyone?". This made him scoff.

"Of course not, not all mewling whims are useless. Even if they make stupid errors"

This comment made me think hard for a moment. Even if they do make mistakes, he let's them live?

Only if they have a purpose.

Then Why would he kill Crawford.

"Because he carried out on something I did not authorize. And that is not an error from mistake"

"How do you know if people made the mistake or not?"

"I can detect their lies" he said it in his annoyed tone, because we had already been over this.

Everything this god said made my mind second guess itself.

He didn't kill if it was an accident or the person didn't know.

He tried taking over earth to take away humanity's freedom.

But what it it wasn't exactly- correct.

What if it was just a mistake?

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