Chapter 3

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(3rd POV)

The girl was immediately put to training after she agreed to continue working with Dr. Hunt and fulfilling his wishes. For three weeks, she had been forced to do physical balances and combats that she would never have dreamed of before, constantly having to fall out if exhaustion, and having the trainer force her on until she would finish or fall unconscious for lack of oxygen and energy.


"Come on!" The trainer screeched as she pulled herself up again, standing with her hands on her knees as she tried to catch any breath. Next, She had to jump from the top of a make shift building to another, same distance as in the real city, then run three steps on the side of a billboard before jumping to the ground from a rather high level, and roll into a low, balanced stance where she could be prepared to still fight.

But at this time, as the training was beginning to leak into its fourth week, the girl was not only gaining speed, stamina, and strength, but her mental perspective was changing as the trainers infuriated her, and Dr. Hunt failed to tell her things. Everything about where she was made her angry. She didn't have anger problems, per say, she understood she was safe form Barton for this time, but felt as if more was expected of her, and she needed to meet those expectations, or else she was nothing, and would be killed.

She was now becoming a threat to the people that told her to do things in training and outside. And perhaps the thing they feared the most now was her silence. But to her, silence was her scream that nobody cared to listen to.

Her situation remained concealed inside a building just like Shield's. Locked doors, guards, agents, cells, training, and to her, just plain Hell.

She picked herself up with gritted teeth, allowing her anger to feed her muscles adrenaline as she jumped the distance of the two buildings and landed, then jumped to the billboard, positioning herself for enough momentum to stay elevated for three steps of sideways running, and then jumped down, tucking her head and flipping herself the moment she felt her feet touch the ground. she didn't land balanced, but had used to much force in her roll and went more forward than she had anticipated, landing in the set out rocks on her stomach.

"Get up!" The trainer shouted in frustration. "Do it again"


"How's she doing" Dr. Hunt asked one of the trainers as they stood in front if his desk.

"I think she's ready to know"

"Bring her in"


(First POV)

"Your name is not Sarah Leving" Dr. Hunt began as I stepped into his office. "Your family consists of strangers, to your blood- "

"What's my real name" it felt strange speaking again, but I wanted to test if he was telling the truth or not. I didn't exactly know how to take his words, because I was hearing them, but they didn't seem to be registering. It seemed awfully rushed, didn't it?

"Halo Band" he said in an annoyed tone for my interruption. Halo.

I like that.

"Your father worked at Shield as an agent, but he had no idea what you were capable of when he signed you up to be a desk attendant in the lobby when you were twelve"

"Why are you telling me this now?" I questioned. It didn't feel right, and I wanted myself to feel something more than what I was feeling hearing these words.

Maybe I didn't react because I didn't believe them. I don't remember anything from my childhood, but I must have been one to be fifteen. "Because I need you on our side" he leaned forward in his chair abruptly, and said it as if he were begging.

Maybe this training has given me more power than I thought.

"Working for you" I raised an eyebrow and a smile spread across his face as he leaned back again.

"Working for Hydra"

"What's that"

"A German organization that's grown and flourished since 1953"

"Some kind of army?" I tried to clarify.

"A dictating group, more like"

"So what's the big 'I need you' all about" I used air quotes.

"You have this power, Miss Band. That's only beginning to show as you grow older. Shield knows this. And erased your mind after they discovered it in you"

"And how'd they do that?" I crossed my arms over my chest and leaned on one foot.

"You caused an accident in the Shield building. Killed eight agents when you fought them"

"Why was I fighting them" wait. I've killed people before?

"They were trying to save everyone else"

"Save" I said, contemplating the word. "So I was the bad guy"

"Precisely" well at least he's being honest. "Shield thought you a threat, so they killed your real father, and erased your memories, so that you wouldn't know. Gave you a fake family, fake name, fake life"

"So everyone I know now lied to me" I said, feeling heat rise to my cheeks out of shock and anger.

Girls always say 'my life is a lie' as a joke when they believe something to be true when it isn't.

When mine really is.

"Except me" he said with a small smile. I was silent for another moment.

"Why did you have me kill Fury" at this question, he sucked in his cheeks and tapped the wooden desk, as if trying to word the explanation in a way that would convince me.

"We needed him out of the way so that we can destroy Shield"

"And why would I be on your side" I raised an eyebrow, un crossing my arms and trying to still stand with a demeanor of courage. But my shoulders felt slumped as I thought about what I was hearing.

"You want vengeance" he said curtly. "I can see it in your eyes when you train"

"I want protection from people trying to kill me" I corrected sharply. "I'm only just now hearing about all of this. How could I want revenge before I knew what they did" my voice was rising, and I only noticed it when I was done speaking.

"Ah. See?" Dr. Hunt said, pointing out the volume. "You know what they did was wrong"

"Well I didn't mean to kill the agents" I spat.

"Of course not" he reasoned. "But they took it upon themselves to get rid of you"

He was trying to convince me to be working for Hydra, I knew that. And it was working, as my anger from training and being locked up here was now added to a pile of problems as it all directed itself the Shield.

Shield was the enemy.

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