Chapter 25

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I had my feet up as I sat back in my comfortable seat. It was like sitting on heaven.
I felt strange. And I should have realized it a long while ago. But as I grew up in my fake family, I knew who Captain America was. Someone very, very important. And now here he was, helping me, as I try to survive. Helping me! I'll try not to become some fan, but it's absolutely amazing. And not to be weird, but probably to a woman his age, he would be qualified as VERY handsome. Hot, even.

But That's not what I see. I just see Steve Rogers, with a second name of Captain America.
The car is almost silent as it drives down an old road.

"Where did Captain America learn to steal a car?" I questioned, grinning.

"Nazi, Germany. And it's borrowing, take you feet off the dash" he ordered, keeping his eyes on the road. I grumbled and put my feet down, but the seat still felt like heaven. No matter what position.

"So, is this qualified as running away?" I questioned, raising my eyebrow while looking at the road ahead.

"You know, running is a bad way to live" he reasoned.

"No" I sighed, looking out my window, "but it's a good way not to die". Then I reversed the dramatic ambience at him after a pause of silence.

"It's hard trust someone when I don't know who they really are" and he tapped his hand on the wheel.

"Yea" He reasoned quietly. "Who do you want me to be?"

I tilted my head, "how about a friend"

Then he scoffed, "There's a chance you might be in the wrong buisness, Band"

"Who said I wanted to be in it" I retorted in a subtle tone that told him the conversation was over.
Steve had to go into this rather large mall, said he needed to go to the Apple store and I needed new clothes. So while he went off to search for that, I went I to the first clothe store I saw.
I didn't know I loved shopping so much. He was stupid enough to give me his credit card.
I liked this shirt with these pants, but the shoes didn't match so I had to buy another pair of those to fit the first outfit and then a second outfit for the first shoes. They were mostly all black, and a nice black jacket when I got cold.

The cashier gave me a strange look when I threw all my black clothes onto the counter.
"You're total is $134.59. Anything else?" She questioned politely as she rang out the last thing.

"Nope" I grinned, swiping the card.

And I left, heading to the next store, where I bought a nice pair of blue earrings, which I think match my eyes brilliantly. They were expensive, but he's Captain America, he's got money.
I hope.

When I walked around a bit, I found a food court, so I went and stood in line for some pizza. Because pizza is good. I had to wait fifteen minutes, but I finally got to order one slice of fresh cheese pizza, which was still in the oven across the counter.

Then, someone grabbed my arm. Someone very, very strong grabbed my upper-arm. When I looked up at Steve's face, I grew angry. "I was going to eat food" I growled, stumbling with my feet to match his fast pace. "What's the rush?"

"It's time to go" is all he said as he sudden,y released and looked down at the ground. He had changed now. He had a blue jacket, grey shirt, cacky pants, and a blue hat to cover his hair. "Walk normally"

So I gained my balance and watched as two tall men wearing black walked by us, speaking things into an earpiece they were wearing.

My gaze followed them as we left the mall. "That's your fault" I reasoned, throwing my new clothes into the back seat and then jumping into the front.

"You didn't change" he seems pissed off.

"I was busy"

He didn't respond as he turned the car on and we drove off.

"Where'd you disappear to?" I question, deciding to open the glove box in front of me.

"To find out where to go" he said.

"And where's that?"

"New Jersey"

I shot up from my laid back position, "but that's like, 8 hours away!"

"Ten, so get comfortable"

Someone was a little cranky, I guess.

When I looked back in the glove box, I found a lot of manuals to the car, but beneath one was a beautiful object that could tempt any living soul.

A king size Hersey's bar.

I grabbed it and quickly shut the box. For some reason, I looked at Steve while holding it up as if saying "can I?" Which is stupid.

Of course you can Halo. Don't ask Rogers.

"You want some?" I questioned, holding up the opened half of the delicious goodness. With in a millisecond he's suddenly pulling on the whole thing. "Hey! No, no, no, no, no" I rip a third of it away as he grins at his two thirds. "You just committed a crime" I grumbled, taking a bit of the corner.

"Who's the judge?" He questioned, turning onto the highway.

"Me" I reached forward for the other part of it but he pulled away towards his window, which I could not reach because of my seat belt. "I'm going to starve" I sighed, looking out my own window.

"No" he says it like when someone is insinuating that something you just said is ridiculous. "But the chocolate will slow you down", suddenly, his window was down and the bar was flying onto the ground behind us on the road.

"Hey!" I screeched throwing my part of the candy into the air. "Speak for yourself, buddy!" I then proceeded to lean back and cross my arms, grumbling to myself.

In truth, I hadn't eaten in three days, which is why I was so upset over this small act. I know chocolate isn't the best for the situation I'm in, but it's all I've got- well, had, as I lick my fingers.
This trip is going to be- oh so fun...

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