Chapter 20

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I don't think I wake up immediately. But I don't know because I was hi king in darkness. And I couldn't take that darkness away when I opened my eyes.

Am I ever allowed to get tired of going back and forth between possession of people? Listen to me! Possession. Since when did I allow people to make my own decisions. Since Dr. Hunt.

But that was only because I had a family to worry about.


I killed my family, and I want to know why. Would if it wasn't on purpose?

Why is everyone trying to keep things from me. And why can't I be free to roam around whatever building I'm in. Surely that can't be right.

If people want me to help them, why the hell would they keep me in a cell.

I know I'm conscious because I can feel my chest starting to hurt from the confusion and anger I'm beginning to feel. And then I feel my nails against my palms.

It confuses me. I was awake when I arrived at Shield. Maybe this is a dream.

And then I can hear.

"Her dormitory stats are lowering"

It's a voice I don't recognize.

"Then give her more of it, keep her asleep"

That's a voice I know. I can feel my anger nearly going over now. Nick Fury is a worthless-

"I do not see why she has to be asleep" that's Thor's voice.

If only I could just- wake up.

"Do you really think she would give us her blood if she knew what we were using it for?" Fury's voice sounds beyond annoyed.

"I don't even agree with it" that's Bruce Banner's voice. "But it's worth the risk to stop Dr. Hunt"

"What is the plan?" Steve sounds clueless.

I try to relax myself, despite what I'm hearing, "she's falling back to sleep" that's what I wanted.

"Has no one told you?" Tony scoffs, "Fury wants to do exactly what Dr. Hunt is doing"

"Except!" Fury defends roughly, "not take over the world"

"Having an army like this is taking over the world" Tony retorts. "That's why Halo can't be awake. Because smartass knows she won't agree to it"

"How long will she be asleep?" Steve questions.

Suddenly, I can feel every fragment of the atoms that form everything in the room I'm in. It makes my head burn, but I feel like I have control over them..

Maybe this sleep stuff is keeping me from opening my eyes.

I imagine the atoms bouncing off of each other and I try to slow them down, until hey come to a complete stop.

No way in hell am I letting Fury make another army. Who knows what he'd use it for after Dr. Hunt was gone.

"For as long as we can keep her asleep, it's like getting rid of the problem"

I'm not the problem.

I suddenly hear what sounds to be the power going out, the wooo sound before everyone goes silent. Then I try to let go of the atoms vibrations, and I can finally feel my muscles.

There's anger. But it's a kind I've never felt before.

My eyes open, and the room's dim lot computers are the only things lighting up the faces that stare at me in shock.

It's a long moment of silence. Too long for these disgusting people.

"Halo..." Steve takes a step forward after I sit up, looking down at my cuffed hands. When I yank up, I don't expect them to release, but not only do they do that, but they rip away from its own fabric, splitting itself in half and my wrists stop the second they feel freedom.

Why is that so precise?

"Halo Band, Don't move" my head automatically snaps to Fury, who has a pistol pointed at my head. He looks up from his sight who his mouth open for a millisecond, before returning to it. "Just be patient"

I jump off whatever I was on, and when my feet touch the ground, my legs feel like pillars of concrete. Strong and invincible. I turn to face the director fully, feeling my mind want to seriously do some damage.

And for some reason, I'm ready to.

"Grab her" Fury orders as I feel a movement behind me. I throw my hand and turn my shoulder, feeling a chest hit the palm of my hand and then leave it in an instant. But I can't tell what happens. My eyes were only focused on Fury.

He can't use me.

"Halo" Natasha warns, and I barely feel her hand on my shoulder. I rip myself from her grasp and take a step at Fury, who pulls the trigger.

Time slows then, like it used to before any of this really began to play. But it seems much, much slower. So not only do I have time to even touch the bullet, but I decide to test momentum's laws and turn it to Fury.

And now I am forced to weight for time to go normal again, but it seems to be taking forever. I have time to look at everyone's shocked faces as they watch the director, as his finger still holds down the trigger. I pass by a black computer screen and get to see my own reflection.

I feel something drain out of me when I see myself, something that had been causing that pain in my chest earlier. Because now I felt like shaking as I looked.

My eyes were drawn to themselves.


Why are they red?

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