Chapter 19

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"No Loki, this is called taking over the earth"

We've been arguing for several minutes now, as he hints at his plans after asking me stuff about the Relavinx cells.

"It's not, It doesn't involve your world"

"You can't be king of your world either" I warn, grabbing my lemonade off the metal table and sitting up on the top of it. "What's your obsession with power?"

"I grew up in Thor's sha-"

"Yea, yea, Thor's shadow, frost giant heir, I know. You're so dramatic"

Gods are just dramatic.

"I am not dramatic" he retorts, sounding offended. "I rightful heir to the throne of Asguard"

"Thor is, dimwit" I stand, walking over to the computer and typing in my username and password for my old lab account when I was with Dr. Hunt.

He was silent for a minute, and when I looked over at him he seemed to be thinking. "I liked you better when you were in that cell"

I scoffed, "because you were getting what you wanted?"

"Because I didn't have to listen to your mewling voice"

Loki could be a teenage girl, I swear.

"I'm not so sure that word means what you think it means" I say it in an Italian accent, because that's one of my favorite lines from a movie I just recently watched on a computer I found in a little room while I was wondering the halls of Loki's lab thing building.

He raises his eyebrow at me, but I ignore and log into the account, opened the Relavinx cell tab and quickly/secretively deleting the vital step of Selenic Gloroxide.

"There" I stepped back and let him rush like a dog to the screen.

He now had this evil grin on his face, standing to his full height. "Thank you so much" he said, breathing out, which was creepy/weird at the same time.

To my surprise, in a heart beat, the staff he was holding was pointing at me, it's sharpened tip was- threatening me?

I laughed at it, "you don't have much time though. Shield has that data too. They can see when and where it's opened"

It was my turn to smile, he walked over to the computer quickly, trying to find out how to log out.

"It's a code I know" I grinned, but instead of forcing me to type it in, he lit his little staff up and shot a blue ball at the machine, blowing it up.

"What the hell!" I shouted, standing from behind the table I had jumped behind. "That didn't log it out, you idiot!"

He suddenly walked forward and grabbed the back of my neck, pulling me away from my lemonade and table, "we're leaving then"

"I guess I should waste time then, shouldn't I?" I hissed, twisting around and hitting my hand onto his elbow, which made him release. He already had his spear pointed at me, so I jumped into the air and knocked it to the side, right before that little blue explosion was released into a wall. "That's cheating" I sighed, trying to catch my breath.

I hadn't done this in awhile.

But the spear was coming right at me, so I grabbed it and dropped into a crouch, wrapping it under my shoulder and tugging on it to pull it away from Loki. But when he let go, it slipped away from me and slid across the floor towards my lemonade.

Hopefully it wouldn't take shield too long to get here. I can't fight Loki man to man. I know that much.

And clearly I can not, because I'm suddenly pinned to the ground with my forearm between my neck and a knife. I don't know how much strength he has, but mine is dwindling as I have to hold my breath to keep my arm from caving in and letting the knife into my skin. "You already stabbed me" I huffed, "you should find a new kill"

I think the scariest part was the fact that he didn't talk. A silent killed, I'd call him.

"Loki, step away" wait. I know that voice.

Loki released and turned to face people that I couldn't see.

I throw my arms to my sides and drop my head to the ground, trying to let my already hurting muscles relax from the tension. My breath is faster than I, used to, and it hurts my throat.

It doesn't take long before I hear metal clinking and then I see Natasha and Steve's faces appear above me. "C'mon" Natasha sighs, "let's get her up"

It hurts when I bend my abdomen to stand, but I suck it up because I want my lemonade.

"Metal" and I point to the drink, which Tony grabs and hands to me. After I've taken several/ a million gulps, I let my full weight fall onto Natasha and Steve's shoulders before remembering something.

"Where's Clint?"

"What do you mean?" Steve questions, maybe noticing my sudden tense.

"He was with me when Loki showed up"

"He's fine" Natasha responded in an unsure tone, "that was a month ago"

"A month ago?!" I turn my head to glare at Loki, who's got this straight face that could kill someone if they were afraid of him.

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