Chapter 33

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Alarms blared as I tucked my pistol into my belt. Two on my hip, one in my boot. Five sticky bombs in the pocket of my combat pants, two knives in their holders.

My hands moved to place the weapons without my consent as my eyes glared directly in front of me.

I was tying myself down to keep away, but my hands were setting me free. I was crying, but my eyes were glaring at where my targets would be. I was preparing, when I didn't want to, and I was screaming, while my mouth refused to open.

The ground shook as the helicarriers began to rise from beneath the ocean level. The air was misted with its water as gunshots had already begun. Someone's death had already begun to happen.

The thought of it made me feel sick to my stomach with grief as my feet carried me onto the bridge that would drop onto the rising machine. "Agent Band." A dark voice caused a temporary break in my trance as I stopped to look at the speaker.

A bolt of fear shot through my spine as the winter soldier held an automatic in his hand. "I will be on the second. You wait for the third to come". And then I realized he was handing me the device.

My hands took it, while my mind remained frozen in fear. He moved away quickly, as the first craft lifted, and then the second moved into position. Still no sign of death.

As my muscles began to relax at the distance between gunshots and myself, seven orange coated men with pistols approached in a sloppy formation, shooting at the men dressed in dark blue uniforms. I cocked my automatic and began firing- these must have been the bad guys. When I say that, I mean they were actually good, but against me.

I couldn't tell if I had shot them or the other men that were firing as well, but when each fell, the weight in my chest grew heavier, as the hope of me being stopped slimmed. I'd rather be killed by someone I didn't know-

The idea that I couldn't control my own movements scared me beyond being able to maneuver the only thing I could- my mind. If only I could touch a wall or aircraft- I could see where to get out.

The bridge shook as the second craft lifted into the air, it's shadow looming over the third as it rose, blacking out the sun and its light. As my stop connected to the bridge, I followed along with the group of men huddling on with their AKs.

A thought crossed my mind as I lifted my gun and began firing; I should save my energy to fight against the remote later, when it really matters.

So for the moment, my delusional mind and my body worked together, killing the side I thought I was on.


"Hey Cap!" Sam's voice shot through the ear piece of Steve with little static as the bird took flight with his metal wings. "How do you know the good guys from the bad guys?"

"They'll be shooting at you" Steve responded quickly before dropping down into a compartment in the second carrier. The ground of cement was shaking for everyone as bombs and gunfire drowned out the possibility of hearing a shout or yell.

"You see her?"

Just as Steve questioned, Halo's black uniform and brunette hair came into the view of Sam. "I do!" He seemed gleeful, "she's fighting. Do I go down?"

"Don't go too close" Steve warned, a shock of hope entering his head.

Sam flew down, but instead of keeping a distance, he flew directly in front of her; landing on the second aircraft. As he was spotted, her body went rigid as she stood up straight.


My heart sank as Sam stood in front of me. "For fucks sake" I hissed as I glared at him.

"Halo!" He seemed happy I hadn't lifted my gun at him. I was too. I felt an anger towards him, but I didn't lift my rocket launcher. He approached me, closer, as if we were supposed to be friends. I mean- we were friends.

As he walked forward and stood beside me, I unsheathed my dagger and clenched it with a strong grip. He had turned away from me, speaking something into his earpiece. I took the millisecond to jump forward, grabbing onto the thin metal wing and drag my dagger through it's surface, ripping it down the middle.

He jumped forward as I had, only trying to take off, but turning to the right from the uneven physics of air. Sam's expression was horrified, unbelieving that I could do something like that. But I wasn't finished.

I hooked my rocket launcher onto my back belt and pointed the belt pistol at him, "Cap" he was saying nervously as he drew his own and pointed it at me. "She ripped my wing. I'm grounded"

Time was standing still as we both stared at each other, Sam realizing that I wasn't on his side anymore. Slowly placing my finger on the trigger, I silently prayed God wouldn't hold this against me when I was killed later in the day.

Despite my fears, and my loyalty to friends; I was the first one to shoot.


Instead of shooting me in return from my shot at his right shoulder, he turned and ran- a coward then. I shot a warning shot in his direction and watched him leap behind an aircraft.

America's turn.

I walked briskly into the helicarrier's main control room, checking to make sure it had not already been forced into overdrive. It was still flashing red, so I quickly ran down the steps into the glass dome below, feeling that weight from earlier slowly diminish.

This craft was meant to destroy threats that would kill innocent lives.

Why would someone want to stop that?

Several climbing minutes later, I found myself facing someone I'd never hope to face in this situation. Slowly lifting my gun and pointing it at the blue uniformed Rogers, I felt a slight resistance as I clicked the cartridge into loaded.

The click sound was what made him turn around, his expression surprised and frustrated. But I didn't give him anytime, and I pulled the trigger, causing him to stumble backward as a red spot began to form on his abdomen.

I reloaded.

"Halo" He was gripping the bars, as if he needed them to remain standing. "I'm not going to fight you" and I pulled the trigger again, this time hitting him in the right shoulder. I wasn't aiming for vital areas- something inside of me wanted him to kill me first, and then the other half wanted to watch him suffer. But they both agreed on making it last.

"Come on Rogers" my voice was audible and even, as if what I was asking was what I actually wanted. "I can't stop it"

I reloaded with the cartridge click and fired again, watching him stumble backward as it hit right beside the first one. "That's" he began, clearly growing dizzy, "exactly why I can't"

His choice of words infuriated me as I gripped the pistol tighter and lifted it to aim for his head. He would let me kill him just because I couldn't stop it? Why can't he just think of himself. "Why can't you just think of yourself" I curtly repeated my thought, a disgusted expression on my face as I placed my finger over the trigger. He brought it upon himself.

He could have stopped me.


UntimelyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora