Chapter 31

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The van had an open back to it, two guards sat against the wall between the driver and us- the prisoners. Steve sat on the right side while Sam and I on the left.

My ankle had gone in to a numb state that didn't bother me as much as it had before, but perhaps that was because I hadn't stood up in quite a long while. It felt like forever, but it was probably only two or three hours.

Sam had begun to say something, but the guard sitting closest to him whipped out his tazer. That shut him up pretty quickly. But instead of just threatening, the guard pushed the tazer to his left, zapping the guard beside him and knocking him out before reaching for his helmet.

I sure as hell hoped it wouldn't be a giant galaxy alien like from Men in Black.

What, I gotta have some fun too.

But it wasn't, I actually didn't recognize her, but I knew she was on Steve's side. "God, that thing was squeezing my brain" she remarked before looking at Sam, then me, then Steve. "Who's this?" I hoped she was referring to both of us.

"Sam Wilson. Falcon I3-0K"

"And," her expression turned from confusion to a glare, "why the hell is she not dead?"

I took the moment to shift in my seat uncomfortably.

"She knows just as much if not more about Shields files. And if you've heard the news, she's a loyal member of the parasite Shield agency" I scoffed at what Rogers retorted to this woman's glare. But she stayed quiet for a minute.

"Name?" She finally asked.

"You already know my name" I can return glares too. I sure know how to do those. I felt Steve's heavy gaze on the back of my head though, so I let out a heavy sigh. "Halo Band"

"Rank of" she ordered,

"Rank V, Hydra intel" I made sure to use the parasite name with a smug smile on my lips. To get my point across to her.

"She shouldn't be here" the woman shook her head before pulling out a small pocket device and dropping it onto the ground. The quiet sizzling sound wasn't as bad as the smell of burning metal and rust as the device dropped to the moving road, and the hole grew to the span of the floor, our feet dangling. "Jump" she looked directly at me, telling me to drop myself first.

"Hell no" I scoffed, before she rolled her eyes and jumped down herself. I can't land on my ankle. I know that much.

"Gotta leave, Halo" Sam noted, "who knows how close we are to our graves" then he went down and I looked at Steve with a glare.

"Agent Hill. Fury's assistant" I waited a moment before I decided he wasn't going to go until I jumped, so as I felt the moving pavement stop beneath my feet, I tucked my head down and lightened the weight to my right foot, placing myself in a crouching position with my hand as my support. Steve was down a second later, already standing.

It took me a moment to decided if I should try and lift myself up using my left foot, but after a minute of slight pressure, I decided it best to hobble. Hobbling was good. "What'd you do, trip?" Hill mocked as I limped towards the three,

"Yea" I laughed, "off the side of a bridge". She scoffed, but didn't say anything more as we began walking to the side of the road, and then into the forest. It was tedious, because my ankle pain had grown to my leg, a pulsating feeling that was beginning to grow into my spine too.

As we walked, the feeling was beginning to paralyze my muscle movement, causing me to fall to the back and stumble every minute or so. I had one thing going for me though, my stubborness. No way was I going to fall when Hill already had low expectations. It was such a long walk though. "Shield has a base in the abandoned aqueducts, been there for a few days" she said as the trees dropped away to reveal a bridge.

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