Chapter 24

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The white light was almost too painful to even open my eyes. But the air smelt of chemicals. Despite actually being comfortable, I heard the soft beeping of a heart monitor, and I knew I was in a hospital.

After a long while, I opened my eyes, and immediately looked to my shoulder. It was wrapped in some kind of white cotton, clean and organized. I knew it must have been awhile, because when I moved my head, it didn't feel sore, just stiff.

I couldn't tell if I was happy or disappointed to see Steve sitting in a chair across the room reading a fashion magazine. The fact of his choice in reading made me want to laugh, but I was afraid that all these wires connected to me would fall out of puncture me more if I moved too much.

See Halo? This is what help does.

I suppose I owe him thanks.

"Anything you want to go shopping for?" My voice sounds distant and strange to me. He looks up from he magazine and shuts it, sitting up with a small smile.

"No, but you need new clothes"

I let silence fall again as I felt my neck grow tired from holding my head up. "This is stupid" I sighed looking up at the ceiling. I lifted my arm to show the chords dangling off it to prove my point.

"It's necessary if you want to get back out in the field" he said.

"And what happens if I don't want to"

"You'll die without a cause" I looked at him with narrowed eyes and he shrugged, "Hydra and Shield are after you whether you're in or not"

That was true.

"If you followed me, where's Amy?" I questioned.

"Dr. Banner took her when I went back to Headquarters"

"I thought it was shut down for today- that day" it can't still be the same day.

"It was. But everyone not hunting stayed back to plan"

"Oh?" I raised my eyebrow, "come up with anything?"

He sat up in his chair, "Are you fighting or not?"

I looked up at the ceiling again. I guess I had to, didn't I. It was my blood, my inventions, and my fault. Sitting back would lead to millions of lives being lost. Because of my silence, Steve repeated what he had said earlier.

"Running isn't always the answer"

The silence from me drew on as a nurse came in. And Steve's presence must have been new to the room because she seemed star struck, but didn't say anything. He went to his pocket and pulled put his phone, dialing things and probably texting Banner or Stark.

Then I remembered why I was even in this building. "Who was that man?". The room was already dull, but when Steve looks up and stands from his seat, walking to the window and doors and looking out them for a second, that fear tightens my chest again.

"He's called the Winter Soldier. Responsible for of two dozen assassins in the last fifty years"

"So he's like you" I reason carefully. Steve was silent for a moment, "why don't you go after him?"

"Most of the intelligent agency doesn't believe he exists. Those who do just say he's a ghost"

"And nobody has ever gone after him?"

"Nobody that lives"

I nod slowly, "so... He works for Hydra? Or Sheild?"

"Hydra, Shield doesn't believe in manipulating.... People.."

I raised my eyebrow while he speaks. "I think Shield has been compromised by Alexander Peirce. The co with Fury"

"And he initiated Project Insight" I'm connecting the dots now.

Steve hushed and walked to the window when the doctor walked in, he wore a strange hat, like a military cap.

"How are you today, Annie" he read off his clipboard.

"Um, I'm-" I caught Steve's glance, "Annie- I mean Well, I'm well"

The doctor nodded and went to a drawer, pulling out a long needle that already had fluid in it. Steve was looking out the window still.

The liquid inside was, red. It looked like blood, but it must have just been medicine. When he turned my arm upward so that the needle could go into my elbow, I noticed that his hand was so tight that it was already turning my forearm white.

I hadn't realized it, but I had tensed also. And I know I'm not afraid of needles. Maybe my mind recognized a danger.

My free hand grabbed the needle hand and held it, but the doctor tried pushing it down. "What is that" I hissed, moving my arm from the needles pricking direction and used both hands to hold him back. He wasn't smiling anymore.

"It's your medication" he growled, clearly struggling against my straightened and locked arms.

The needle touched the tip of my elbow before I redirected his force into the mistress, then pushed the top down to release the blood into the matress. The doctor seemed to hiss strangely before stepping back and trying to calm himself. He seemed frustrated.

"That was our last dose" his teeth were gritted.

"Or was it only meant for me" I narrow my eyes and sit up, noticing Steve's shadow on the other side of the bed.

Steve makes his way to the other side, between the man and the door. "What was in the syringe?" I question again.

I actually realize then how tall Rogers actually is. Very tall. And the man seems to gulp.


"So it was my own blood" I comment as I look at the matress. "It must already have the Gloroxide in it"

"They thought you could be controlled.. Do you know if it would work?"

I swallow hard, looking up from the stain, "no".

"Come on" he says, opening the door as we walk out. I am still in my old clothes that are burnt and grey from the Winter Soldier. So it doesn't take much. We both step over the unconscious body now lying in the middle of the room.

"How long has it been since I got here?" I question as we casually walk past the nurses.

"A week. You were in your own coma"

"My own?"

"You didn't want to wake up"

I scoffed. I can agree to my subconscious.

"Can you move enough?" He gestured to my shoulder as we turned to the elevator hall.

"Eh" I shrugged, then rolled that shoulder carefully to prove my point.
When we got into the parking garage he clicked a key device and a black Lamborghini beeped.

"Ahhhh!" I ran to it and walked fully around its circumference. It was beautiful. It's steel tire hubcaps put any other cars to shame, while it's curved doors looked so smooth and stylish. "Is this yours?" I questioned.

"No" he said, climbing into the drivers seat.

I didn't question as I jumped into the passenger seat and he drove out.

Maybe that was the end if trouble for awhile.

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