Chapter 15

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As I stumbled to the door, I tried to get ahold of my bodies energy, as it seemed to be emptying drastically with every step I took. My head pounded, as if my mind wanted to get out of my body again, and travel around to where the problems were, but I refused it's wishes, because I felt it was the only thing keeping my eyes open and my body working.

Finally, my mind subdued itself and returned to functioning my body, and I began running down the main hall.

I didn't know ep where I was going, but now I could hear gunshots coming from all different directions, mainly the central areas.

"Halo!" I spun to the left as Steve called me, and I ran to him as soon as I heard multiple pairs of feet begin thudding against the floor. Something about the sound, I knew they weren't Shield agents.

I grabbed his arm and attempted to yank him backward, but his stance was set in stone. As he looked at me like I was insane. "Their coming" I said quickly, taking a step back without him.

"Who is? I don't hear anything" he shot back, turning the way I had come. I hissed as they were growing louder, and I told him to shut up as the two of us quietly stood behind the corner of the left hall.

I heard them as loud as I felt my eardrums could go before I saw six, black clothed people carry their guns across the entry way and into the hall I had come from. Once they were past, their loud thumping seemed to silent. And I realized that my mind didn't see them as a threat anymore so it didn't focus on them.

"Good job" Steve reasoned, pulling me around the corner and to the right, where the people had come from. "We have to help hold them back"

"Hold who back?" I questioned.

The gun shots I heard, I guessed were a fair distance away now, because of what had just happened.

"Loki's team" and he broke into a sprint.

There was no way I was keeping up with him, so I stopped and stepped into a small, empty room.

I ran to the wall, and placed both of my hands on it, feeling for anything obscure in the buildings movements. And I let my mind out again, and it immediately went to a hall that blared red with alarms. But I recognized that hall.

That was the hall that led into the room I had met Thor and Natasha in.

But Loki had been distracted, still smiling, as Tony now wore his Iron Man suit and stood between him and rest of the hallway.

He must know I'm not in there anymore.

"Where is he?" Loki hissed, his voice making me shiver from its malice. It didn't have anything of warmth, or fun in it, despite the smile. It was cold, freezing even.

"Where's who?" Tony questioned, pointing his missiles and guns at the god.

"You know who. Halo Band"

This made Tony chuckle, "I don't know where he is" he said, before Loki took his scepter and sent Tony flying backward, possibly through multiple walls. I wanted to turn my mind to him, but it refused to move anymore.

I couldn't even move my hands away from the wall to break the connection.

Loki turned again, staring directly at me with a chuckle of his own. "You're close, aren't you?". He narrowed his eyes, and my mind turned itself, heading down the hall I had come.

Wait! I was leading him to me!

I could feel the weakness that impended on my conscious as I accepted that Loki was using my own mind against me. How powerful was he?

My hands began twitching, as I began refusing the vibrations that were given. I shut down my senses, growing numb to everything that was felt. And when I had nothing more to navigate off of, my mind shut itself down as well, breaking from whatever Loki had it locked into.

I ripped myself away from the wall and fell to the ground in the center of the room.

My head pounded again, like a headache that would kill someone, and my heart now took over what I could hear of anything as it shook my chest with its quick beating.

I was dizzy, most certainly, but I was able to see the door burst open.

"Well your not what I expected" Loki said as I quickly stood to my feet.

I knew I had to shake off whatever was causing me such weight, but it only seemed tolerable at the moment,

"Why would you expect anything of me?" I questioned.

"You're Halo Band" he said it as if he wasn't sure, and it knew that my tone and choice of words was everything.

"No. Sorry. He just left" I lied. But I suddenly felt time slow again, as Loki rushed forward, reaching for my neck. But I knew not to do a thing, for if I was able to escape such swiftness, he would grow suspicious.

So I let myself be shoved into the wall, his cold hand gripping my neck tightly, choking me slightly. "Where is he" he hissed, his smile gone entirely.

"I don't know where he went" I coughed. My hand was about half of his as I grabbed it and tried prying it off of my neck. But something happened that made my mind go on high alert.

I felt my stomach suddenly grow incredibly nauseous as a pain seethed up my spine. And then a second wound was inflicted, a bit to the right of the first.

The sound of a knife retracted itself as he dropped me to the ground and walked out, the smile appearing once again.

So that's what he is.

I leaned myself against the wall, placing my hand where he had stabbed me twice, and retracting it after the crimson liquid began staining my shirt.

It had been only a minute, when I tried standing, but my head insisted on staying down, as every time I tried placing my feet beneath me, it rang out, as if slamming hammers against my skull like it was a bell.

My eyes were stinging with tears that I refused to let fall as the pain made me want to black out.

But I heard a familiar shout, and I immediately took a pained breath to scream out for help.

After, the door swung open, and I didn't quite know what to say.

"Holy-" Clint quickly looked out into the hallway, probably seeing if anyone was around, and then shut the door, dropping his bow. "Who did that?" He questioned, before taking into his earpiece. "I need help in the empty room down hall 13. Quickly"

"Loki did it" I said, I felt like my eyes had weights yanking them down, but I refused to let them shut. And my lungs didn't want to extend my diaphragm for fear it would stretch the wounds more.

"Yea well, he's a bastard" he said, unwrapped a piece of clothe from his bow and pushed it against my stomach, causing my to nearly break my teeth between my clenched jaws.

I swore at him, and he apologized, and told me to do it instead so that I didn't yell at him as he continued talking into his earpiece. He said that I was down, but the rest was just slurs as I began to feel tired.

Maybe sleep was all I needed.

"Stay awake" Clint warned, somehow shaving away some of the weight on my eyelids. His jaws were tightened too, as he grabbed his gun from its holder. But it wasn't enough and I felt like sleeping would make the pain go away. One glance at me made him talk to me again. "You have to stay awake, Halo"

But I didn't quite feel like it.

So I let myself fall into blackness to escape the pain that sent shaking surges through my body.

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