1 day left pt.1

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The next day you're up early, taking a shower and texting Changbin if him and the boys would like to have breakfast with you one last time. Changbin had gotten up around the same time, and asked Chan about it. Chan agreed, mentioning they didn't have much food left but that would be a fun idea. He texts you back that they would like that but have no more food left. You text him back saying you'll take care of it and will text him when you're on your way there. You get food and drinks for breakfast, texting Changbin that you're on your way to the hotel. In the meantime Chan and him woke everyone up and Chan made sure everyone showered. When you arrive at the hotel, you go up to their rooms already knowing where to go. You knock, and get greeted by the excited maknae line. You greet them with a big smile and hugs, trying to hide your sadness. You greet the others with a big smile and hug too, again trying to hide how you feel. Chan can tell there is something, but decides to not mention it to you. He decides to try and talk to you later about it. You and the boys quickly eat breakfast, wanting to get onto the ice as soon as you can. After breakfast you help them with cleaning the table and the dishes and go downstairs to get ice skates. Once you all get a pair, you make your way to the ice. You and Changbin walk in the middle, talking and laughing togheter. Chan looks your way every once in a while, noticing you look sad when you see that Changbin isn't looking your way. before he can talk to you, all of you get to the ice. You change into your skates and after Chan makes some rules for the boys, everyone get onto the ice. You and the maknae line stick together most of the time, them trying not to fall over. You can't help but laugh when they land on their butts. The older boys soon join, and they too don't always are able to stay standing. You have trouble keeping your balance, laughing too hard at how clumsy they are. Changbin is standing a bit away, smiling at the fun you're having with the boys. He too feels a sad about leaving tomorrow. He enjoyed the time he spend with you, and is glad you two bumped into each other the first day. He's sad that he won't be able to see you so often and easy anymore, but knowing you're gonna be in Korea a few days after him makes the sadness a bit less. He joins you and the others, joking about the problems they have with their balance only to fall back onto his butt himself too. You and the others laugh, you helping him up. He smiles, and doesn't let go of your hand. Before you can even think about it he drags you around the ice, and you try to keep your balance. It feels kind of easy, until he lets go of your hand. You lose your balance, and fall onto your butt as well. The boys jokingly cheer, and skate to you to make sure you're okay. You can laugh along, and Changbin help you up. "sorry, I couldn't help myself. You were having so much fun watching us fall on our butts, that I decided to return the favour." He says with a smile. You smile back at him, jokingly rolling your eyes. "I forgive you this time, but I still think you guys looked funny." You say laughing. All of you spend about 3 more hours before taking a small break. You decide to get hot chocolate for yourself and the others and change into your shoes before going to get some. Minho decides to help you, and also puts on his shoes. Together you get the hot chocolate and talk and laugh while on your way back to the boys. After talking, laughing and drinking the chocolatemilk everyone decides to keep skating for a few more hours. Soon the boys started to fall less and less, not having much trouble with their balance anymore. About an hour before the hotelstaff is going to close the ice the boys finally are able to properly keep their balance. After some more laughter and yelling Chan sees the staff making their way to the ice. He warns all of you, and you make your way to the end of the ice. After taking of your skates and putting your shoes back on you all make your way back to the hotel. You return the skates, and Chan asks you if you want to join them for dinner. Behind him the Seungmin and Jeongin are looking at you with puppy eyes, almost begging you to say yes. You giggle at their cuteness, and tell Chan you'd love to join them. All together you make your way to town where you would finda place to eat dinner at. This time you walk inbetween Seungmin and Jeongin who didn't allow any of the others to walk next to you. The three of you make jokes the whole time, which results in you and them being out of breathe from laughter. When you get to the town, you instantly know a place. You lead the way, and soon you're all eating. Even after spending so much time together it feels like all of you never run out of things to talk about. Dinner is full of comfortable conversations, and much laughter. Changbin is seated next to you, and without either of you realising his arm slips around you again. The others notice but don't say anything about it, not wanting their little ship to sink. Unknowingly to you and Changbin they started to ship you two during the past two weeks. Soon everyone is done with dinner and chan tries pay for dinner. You disagree on him paying, and decide to pay instead. He tries to protest, but you still pay anyway. You decide to walk back to the hotel with the boys before you make your way back home for the last time. It's a short walk full of laughter, as everyone tries to hide the sad mood that is secretly creeping onto everyone. All of them feel sad about leaving, especially after meeting you. Soon they arrive at the hotel, and the sad goodbye begins. "before I go home, I'd like to thank you all for the amazing times, and for inviting me to so many things. I hope you guys have a great flight back and hope to see you when I'm on vacation in Korea." you say with a smile, trying really hard to not show your sadness. " thank you too Y/N, we all had so much fun with you!" They all say, trying hard not to yell it out and disturb others. "Can I talk to you alone Y/N? It won't take long" Chan says. You nod, hugging the others goodbye. You give Changbin a hug too, deciding on saying your final goodbyes after you and Chan talked.

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