1 day left pt.2

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"we can sit down on the benches near the ice if you'd like? seems nicer than just standing around here and talking." Chan says with a smile. You smile back and nod. You two quietly make your way to the benches. Chan sits down, and you sit next to him looking infront of you. " I could tell earlier you're hiding something, maybe how you feel. Can I ask you why?" he starts of, looking at you. You slowly nod. "I didn't want to ruin the mood, so I hid my emotions. I'm sorry if I did." you answer his question. He gives you a soft smile. " you didn't ruin anything. I could tell the others are hiding their feelings as well. We're all sad to leave, because we met you. They really had a lot of fun thanks to you too, and so did I. We're all going to miss you a lot." You're still looking infront of you, tears forming in your eyes. Chan notices, and side hugs you. You keep fighting the tears, not wanting to possibly make Chan feel bad. "I have a feeling there's more you're hiding..." he starts, wondering if you're gonna say more. You say nothing, looking down at your hands. He's right and you know it, but you refuse to admit. Chan notices, and decides to take a risk and ask more about it. "does it have something to do with Changbin?" he carefully begins. And there is the topic that breaks you; tears start flowing and you quietly start sobbing. Chan is surprised and hugs you, comforting you and patiently waiting until you're calmed down and ready to continue talking. After about 2 minutes, maybe more you calm down a bit. "I like him. And I'm scared he doesn't feel the same... We made the deal that he'll show me around Seoul but I'm scared he somehow won't be able to, or forgets... forgets the deal.. and forgets me..." You softly say. Chan chuckles softly. "don't worry, he won't forget you. I'm pretty sure the members won't allow it. I won't allow it either. Don't worry about it too much, okay?" he says. You nod. "thank you, Chan." you whisper. "you're very welcome, Y/N. Want me to call Changbin and warn him we're about to head back to the hotel? that way you two can say goodbye without you being alone out here in the dark." You nod, and smile at Chan feeling grateful to have met him. He smiles back and grabs his phone, calling Changbin. He explains that you two are heading towards the hotel and that you will wait for him infront of the hotel to say goodbye. While he's calling you two walk back to the hotel. Chan nods a few times and puts his phone away. "Changbin will wait downstairs infront of the hotel, and then you two can say goodbye." he quickly explains. You nod, and the rest of the walk is quiet. You two soon get back at the hotel, where Changbin is already waiting. You and Chan hug one last time, and you thank him once again. He gives a small wave, and walks into the hotel. You and Changbin look his way, before turning to face each other. "thank you for the past two weeks Binnie, I'm really glad I met you. I hope you and the others have a great flight back. I really had a lot of fun with you." you say with a small smile. Changbin smiles back. "thank you too, Y/Nie. I had a great time with you. I'm really glad we bumped into each other during the ice skating." you both silently think back at the ice skating. It feels like it was yesterday. "well then... I guess this is goodbye for now. If you remember, please text me when you guys safely make it back home." Changbin nods. "I will. I guess I'll head back up to the others. Goodbye Y/Nie." "goodbye Binnnie..." and with that, you two turn and each go your own way. On your way home you can feel tears starting to sting in your eyes. It was really over. Tomorrow you will wake up, knowing the boys will be on their way back home. The moment was bound to come, but you never thought it would feel so soon. And so sad. When you get home, you get in bed right away, falling asleep immediately. At the hotel Changbin was greeted by Chan who is still awake. "so, that was the vacation huh? Flew by, didn't?" he asks. Changbin only nods. His thoughts were racing, knowing that he could've asked you to come say goodbye at the airport. knowing he could've again promised you he would meet you in Korea. knowing he could've told you how feels, that he loves you. But he didn't, and now there seemed to be a small feeling of regret in him. "Bin?" he hears Chan cal him, and gets pulled out of his train of thoughts. "hmm?" he looks at Chan. "are you okay?" he asks a bit concerned. Changbin smiles and nods. "I'm fine, just tired. I'm of to bed. Goodnight hyung." and with that he heads to bed. He soon falls asleep, dreading the next day knowing he will leave you.

A:/N: sorry for not posting for so long, and sorry it this chapter sucks😅 I hope ya'll still enjoyed it!~ Orion

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