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The next day, the group had planned to visit another nearby town. They get up before the hotel has breakfast, planning on getting some food when they arive at the town. Some of them still are a bit sleepy, but Changbin was wide awake and was busy texting you. Minho, sitting next to him, looks at him with a smile already knowing who he's texting. He decides to let him be and instead talks to the boys who were wide awake as well. Jeongin, Seungmin and Felix were all asleep together. Felix was in the middel of them, head hanging back. Both Seungmin and Jeongin are leaning on his shoulders, fast asleep. Chan has already taken about 15 pictures of them already, and is now talking to Jisung about a new song. After about 2 hours of driving, they got to the town. The first thing they do is looking for a place to have some breakfast and find a small bakery with a little cafe part to it. They ask if they can sit down, and when they get the green light they find a table big enough for all of them to sit down at. They enjoy some baked food and excitedly talk about what they want to do at the town for the rest of the day. They decide to walk around in duo's and do what they want to do and get together for lunch. Changbin and Chan walk around together, with Minho and Jisung as well. While talking to each other and making sure they do everything everyone wants, Changbin sometimes checks his phone and texts you back. Around lunchtime, they four boys make their way back to where they're planning on meeting the others. They get there first, and wait for the others. Changbin checks his phone, and sees that he has a missed call from you. He asks Chan if he can call you back which is okay and steps away from them for a bit. " Hey Y/N, I saw you called. Is everything okay?" he asks as soon as you pick your phone up. "Hey Binnie, everything is fine but I was on my way home so I couldn't text you about this. But I was wondering if you have time to meet up tomorrow?" You answer him. He smiles, and looks at Chan. "Hey Chan, do we have anything for tomorrow yet?" he asks him while holding his hand on his phone. "Not yet, so if you two want to meet up go ahead." Chan answers, already knowing what it's about. Changbin nods with a smile and focusses on the call again. "I'm free tomorrow, did you have anything in mind?" You pause for a moment to think. "not really... I'll think about something!" you say excitedly. Changbin can't help but laugh softly. He looks towards Chan and the others, seeing the last few members coming their way. "I'll text you when me and the guys get back to the hotel. We're about to have lunch and we're not sure what we're gonna do after that. I'll talk to you later okay?" "Yeah of course! have fun and say hi to the boys for me please" you answer. "Will do, bye Y/Nieee" "Bye Binniee!" and with that, you two hang up. Changbin walks back to the others who are busy talking about what they saw and did that morning. They look for another place to eat lunch, and find a small cafe. They enjoy some nice lunch and talk about taking some pictures of each other together. They decide on to seeing what they can find around the town to take pictures with and taking some pictures in the snow. They spend about 5 more hours exploring and taking pictures wherever they can and like. On the way they find restaurant to sit down and eat some dinner. They enjoy the food and laugh together while it slowly gets darker. After that they call the driver and get back to the hotel. Everyone goes to bed as soon as they arrive back at the hotel. Changbin however texts you first about the next day. When you two have decided on a time, you wish each other goodnight and he goes to bed as well already excited about the next day.

All I want this christmas, is being with youWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt