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The next day, Changbin wakes up early for a shower and then breakfast. The others are still asleep but he had already warned Chan. He gets ready after breakfast and goes down to the lobby, waiting for you. He smiles when he sees you, even more excited for the day than before. you two greet with a hug, and walk out of the hotel. Neither one of you realises it, but subconsiously you two link arms. You two laugh and walk, you leading the way. Changbin had let you think of something and you decided to show your little town in a different way. You had looked up ways to do that and the one thing you thought of was a horsecarriage ride. You hoped he would like it, and booked a ride. And now you two are on your way to the stabbles where you had booked. Changbin isn't looking around, too focussed on listening to you. What made him smile the most was the way your face lights up when you talk about the things you love. After about twenty minutes of walking later, you two get to the stabbles. You eye Changbin, waiting to see his reaction. He looks at the carriage, not really showing anything. "I hope you're okay with the horsecarriage. I wanted to show you the older part of the town, but I didn't want to walk around all day again. So this is what I came up with." you explain, slightly nervous. He smiles at you, and squizes your hand. "it sounds great. Im excited to see the town in a different way." you sigh quietly, happy that he seems to like the idea. You two meet up with the coachman, and get into the carriage. Soon another staffmember joins, introducing themself as the guide for the tour. They sit down next to the coachman and so the tour begins. For two whole hours you and Changbin get a lot of information from the guide, look at historical buildings and roads, and take many pictures. Not only of the town, but many selfies too. Changbin sends a few tourist pics in the groupchat with the boys, and two selfies of you two together as well. While looking around and listening to the guide, Changbin has his arm around you and rests it on the backrest. You lean into him a bit, getting comfortable. Getting cold, you put a blanket over your legs. You offer Changbin half of it, and he puts it on the both of you. After two hours you get back at the stabbles and thank the staffmembers for the tour. You had paid in advance, knowing Changbin would've payed otherwise. You two link arms again, and decide to go to the cafe where you two first met up. You both get a hot chocolate, and spend some more time talking about anything. There is no akwardness at all, you both feel like you've known each other for years. After you two finish your drinks you both pay and get back outside. Chan calls Changbin and asks if you're interested in going sledding with the whole group the next day. In the background you two can year the younger members yell "please, please, please, pleaaaseee!" which makes you smile. You say yes, and together with Chan and Changbin you agree on you coming to the hotel again and have breakfast with the boys in their roomlounge. And after that you all get sleds together and spend the day together. Changbin and Chan agree on meeting at the grocerystore to get things for dinner and breakfast. You walk with him to the store and you two say goobye there. Chan arrives not much after and the boys quickly get everything they need and head back to the hotel. After dinner the boys watch one more movie and then go to bed. Changbin texts you goodnight, and falls asleep after being outside all day.

All I want this christmas, is being with youWhere stories live. Discover now