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The next day, all of you start waking up around the same time. Looking around, everyone realises they fell asleep in the living room. After changing clothes, you help with breakfast getting ready. After breakfast, Chan and Changbin head to their rooms to finish up some songs. While they focus on that, you play some games with the other members. You win a few times, but in the end it's between Hyunjin and Felix. One more round later Hyunjin is the final winner. While you all were playing games, Changbin finished writing the vacation song. While finishing it up, he decided the only people he wants to share it with are his members and you. So, after he feels like it's finished he goes to Chan. "hey hyung, you almost done? I have something to share with you all." Chan looks up, and nods. Changbin leaves him and joins you in the living room. Not much after Chan comes in as well, and Changbin get everyone's attention. "So I decided I wanted to write a song about our vacation, about the things we did and the memories we made. And I finally finished it just now. I'd like to let you guys hear it. "he explained. Everyone nods at him, and wait for Changbin. He takes a deep breathe, and starts letting them hear the song. They all sit there, big smiles on their faces. They're all quiet, thinking back at the moments they spend together. When Changbin finishes, they all smile at him and give him a big applause. "that was amazing Binnie!" You sound so excited, that Changbin can't help but smile. "I agree hyung! It's amazing!" the other loudly agree with you and Jeongin. Changbin can't get the big smile of his face, glad everyone liked the song. "thank you guys, I'm happy you liked it." They all give him a hug, before everyone slowly goes to do their own thing for a while. "hey Y/N, wanna go on a small walk for a bit?" Changbin turns to you, making sure the others can't take your attention again. You nod, and get your coat. Changbin tells Chan, and after putting your shoes on you two go outside. You two walk around quietly for a bit, both deep in thought. "I can't believe it's been two weeks since we met. It feels like I've known you for forever." Changbin is the first one to say something. "I know, it's so weird. It was such a movie moment too, the main characters bumping into each other on accident." You laugh. Changbin laughs at your remark, agreeing. "I'm glad it happened though. It may have been a movie moment, but it did bring a lot of fun moments and memories." You smile at him, nodding in agreement. "I agree, I'm glad it happened and I'm glad I met you because of it." after this, you two get quiet again. After walking for a bit, you two decide to sit down on a bench. It's quiet for a moment, as you look around you. "there was a small thing I left out of the song at the dorm." Changbin suddenly starts talking. You look at him, confused. "What was left out?" "there is a part I didn't write for the others. It wasn't about the memories we made, or the things we did. I wrote it for you." Pulling the paper on which the song is written out of his pocket, Changbin gives it to you. You read over it, reading the part you already know. Then you get to a part bellow that, which you assume is the part for you. You look at Changbin, who tells you that part indeed is for you. You nod, and start reading. You smile reading about how you two met, the things you did like going to the arcade and going on a horsecarriage ride. On you meeting the others, doing things together with them, saying goodbye, and seeing each other again in Korea. When you get to the last sentence, you have to read it multiple times. 'I love you.' "am I reading this right?" Changbin can't help but laugh at your question. "if you read 'I love you' then you read it right." Your eyes widden. "you.. love me?" Changbin nods, getting nervous. A big smile appears on your face, and you hug him tightly. "I love you too" you whisper into his ear, still smiling. He hugs you back tightly. "Y/N, will you be my girlfriend?" he asks when you both pull back. You nod so fast Changbin almost worries your head will fall off. "yes, yes, yes!" You two hold each other tightly, and sit there like that for a moment. It isn't until Chan texts Changbin about when you're coming back that you two decide to walk back. You two get up, but before you start walking, Changbin pulls you close to him for a soft and sweet kiss. "I love you" both of you say it at the same time which makes you laugh. Walking closely, holding hands you two make your way back to the dorms. When the others see you two walk in holding hands they start cheering. Their ship finally set sail.

A/N: one more chapter after this one before this book is over!~ Orion

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