13 days left

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Around 9 in the morning, Changbin starts to wake up. He looks around him, and remembers they're in Y/C. He smiles, and gets dressed for the day. After grabbing his phone, he walks into the hotelroom's living room. The first thing he notices is Chan, Jisung and Felix already sitting on the couch. "morning" He greets them. They look up at him, and greet him back. He decided to get a cup of tea and walks to the kitchen. While the water is boiling, he scrolls through instagram. After making himself some tea he joins the others. "did you guys sleep well?" He asks the others. "I did, the beds are very comfy." Jisung answers. "I agree, they're nice and soft."Felix adds. "I agree too, it's nice to sleep somewhere that isn't my studio." Chan adds jokingly. The other three laugh at his comment, making Chan look at them with a smile. Soon the others join them as well, and everyone gets ready to go to a nearby christmas market.

" this christmas market is pretty popular, and many people seem to love the things it offers." Chan reads of his phone. They had gotten into the van about 10 minutes earlier and Chan had decided to look up some information about the market. The others are listening, while enjoying the view they got from the car. "That sounds very nice! This country looks so beautiful, I hope we can visit again soon after we leave." Minho happily sighs. "I hope so too, maybe during spring or the summer. I'd love to see what everything looks like without all the snow everywhere." Jeongin says. "what does the market have to offer hyung?" Hyunjin asks. "It has a nativity scene, there's different kinds of foods and drinks they sell, and stalls with handmade things too. some stalls also sell other things, not only handmade products. Some things that are native to the original types of markets, like Glüwein, a hot mulled whine, and eierpunsch which is an egg-based warm alcoholic drink are sold as well. This market also has a small ice skating track." Chan says after reading the full page. "I think this is going to be a lot of fun!" Felix exlaims.

They spend the rest of the day walking around the market, admiring everything they see. They buy some fun souvenirs and presents, try some foods and drinks, and some of them even decide to go ice skating. Later on the day, around dinner time, they decide to eat at the nearest restaurant before heading back to the car. Back at the hotel they show eachother what souvenirs they got. All of them got a little nutcracker, and found some handmade gifts for their families which they would pack when they got back to Korea. Tired from a long day of walking around, they decide to leave for bed early tonight. They decided to go ice skating together, which means they were going to need their energy. And so they turn all the lights of and head to their soft, comfy beds that are waiting for them.

All I want this christmas, is being with youWhere stories live. Discover now