Christmas Special

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*Not part of the storyline/Completely different universe*

If you want me to continue this story cuz u like it and all that SBI wholesome moments, at least 4 people comment.

"Dadddddd- Wilbur won't play with me! And I'm bored!" Tommy whined out as he slouched his head on Phil's lap where he sat in a chair at the kitchen table.

Phil looked down to see his baby blue eyes that were staring right back up at him and saw the way his lips formed into a pout.

Phil sighed and then laughed a little, "He's just in his moody teenage phase, he'll come around in a few hours." Phil recalled the time when Wilbur had came down into the kitchen to eat some breakfast that Phil had prepared.

Just yesterday, Wilbur was having a splendid time with everyone and talking away at his best.

Wilbur had let Techno read his story out loud to him and Wilbur sat on the ground, couch against his back, as he stared up at Techno and listened intently.

Techno keeps to himself a lot so Wilbur thought it was a good idea for him to talk more and interact.

Tommy had been in his bedroom, drawing and coloring on a blank sheet of paper. Wilbur looked from behind his shoulder to see what he was drawing.

Besides from all the messy lines and coloring, he could tell it's a dog that had black, grey, and white fur with blue as the eyes.

He crouched down next to Tommy, smiling, "That's a really cool dog! Is that- Is that a husky?"

Tommy put down the black crayon that was in his hand and looked at Wilbur, "Yes! Husky!" He picked up the paper and held it up to Wilbur so he can see it all properly, not that it made any difference.

As soon as he realized Wilbur finished looking at his art piece, he up and quickly zoomed out of the room. He heard the pitter-patter of his feet with each step he made on the wooden floor.

"Look, dad! Look! I drew doggy!" Tommy exclaimed, holding up the paper high in the air to catch Phil's attention. Phil eyed it and asked, "What's its name?"

Tommy thought for a moment, eyebrows scrunched up in his thought process. "Mmmm, Kai- Kailo- Kilo-...Kylo!" Tommy clapped his hands in excitement and then he went over to Techno to bother him.

Wilbur came back and went to speak to his father, "Hey dad?"

"Yes, Wilbur?"

"I love you, dad."

Phil smiled and, "I love you too."

Phil got brought back into reality when Tommy ringed out the word, "Whyyyyyy..."  Phil has already gotten used to that since he had two twins he had to take care of, Tommy wasn't as difficult to take care of though sometimes he is because he keeps getting into trouble without him even realizing it, that's what's frustrating.

"Well, I'm busy at the moment and so is Techno... Wilbur needs to have some use around here so why don't you go get him and you two can go outside and shovel the snow, sounds good?"

Tommy stood up straighter from the mention of snow and only snow, not shoveling the snow. He nodded and ran down to Wilbur's bedroom door.

He knocked once, he knocked twice, he knocked thrice!

He waited patiently, for a second, and then he barged right into the room since the door wasn't locked.

Wilbur was facing his wall with a desk table in front of him while his back was to the door. When Wilbur heard the door being opened, he whipped around in seconds.

Tommy heard the sound of plastic being crushed and it must be in Wilbur's hand because his left arm is behind him almost as if he's hiding something.

"Tommy!" Wilbur whispered yelled. His eyes went wide but sighed in relief when he just saw Tommy and not Phil, maybe even Techno since his twin brother is always being worried about him.

"What did I tell you about just barging into my room without permission?"

"I'm sorry but dad asked us to go outside to shovel the snow... I don't want to do that,

I want to play in the snow! Let's do that instead! Come on, please? Before all the snow melts."

Wilbur sighed, "Alright, fine. I'll come with you but that doesn't mean I'm going to play with you.

You're practically a grown-up now, you don't need anyone to come and play with you like a baby."

"I don't wanna be a grown-up... I just wanna play."


New Era - DreamSMPOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora