Chapter 9 - Wilbur

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"You know," A male voice says.

"No matter where you take yourself out in the world and you're all by yourself and feeling sad and lonely, there's always going to be someone who's thinking about you.

I was thinking about you, Wil. I had no idea where you were and I was so worried about the bad things that could have happened to you."

I sat in my dad's lap as he held onto me and confronted me with an engulfed hug. I wanted a hug, a hug is nice.

I felt his fingers smooth through my hair and I didn't want him to stop. My eyes are closing, I feel tired and dad's breathing rhythm from his chest is lulling me to sleep.

I went far away from home and when I turned around, I realized I was all alone by myself.

The sun was going down and the moon started to come out, I didn't like that because then that meant monsters would come out and eat me alive!

I'm scared of monsters.

I don't want to be like them, ever. They do scary things.

"'M sorry..." I say quietly. "I love you, daddy."

"I love you too, Will. Let's put you in your bed and then you can go to sleep, alright?"

I nodded against his chest as he stood up and carried me on his hip. My head is on the crook of his neck and my arms wrapped around his neck.

My eyes fully closed as soon as he started walking. I heard the sound of a door being opened and then the feeling of a comfortable pillow and blankets.

My head rolled to the side and by that, I felt a brush of lips kiss my forehead.

"G'night Wil," He said but I never replied back, I had already fallen asleep.

.                                     .                                 .                                 .                             .                     .

Another beautiful morning of L'manburg and ever since the name became, many, many new citizens begin to move in and it's only been a week in.

I fully believe of what I'm doing will make a difference for people to see how bad Dream is as a king.

He might have a large kingdom full of numerous different people on his side, many skilled guards, and a crown that defines authority, but he'll never have dominance.

He's known for his intelligence though which does not mean he's better than anyone else.

He lives on this earth and so he stays on the same ground level as us. I'll only ever respect him if he ever sees that way, maybe in a million years will he see that but he'll be dead by then.

"Wil!" I heard a voice calling out for me from behind me. I turn to see Niki smiling with her right arm holding clothing.

She got closer towards me and presented out the clothing that she had wrapped around her arm. Dark blue wool coat with a collar and cuffs.

My eyes roamed over the uniform over and over and I couldn't keep my eyes off of it. Niki had done a wonderful job, without even telling her the way I viewed it, she's done it all by herself.

"Niki...You- You did so well! This is excellent work. You, me, and the others will be wearing your remarkable set of skills for the rest of our lives, well, until we have to wash them up from the reeking smell."

She giggled at the last comment I made and ended up making me smile at the sound of that.

"Thank you, Wilbur. I put everything I had into making this and I made it special for all of us so that people will be able to recognize who we are."

I hummed, scanning the surrounding area, "Have you seen Fundy lately? I haven't seen him since last night."

She shakes her head, "Neither have I, now that you mention. Is something going on between you two?..."

"That's the thing, I don't know" I whisper. "I feel as if he's ignoring me, I just- I can't figure out why."

"Why would he ever ignore you? When you brought him back home, he looked so happy to see you again after so long."

I sighed at the memory of having Fundy close to me at all times ever since I found him and brought him back to me.

He never left my side, he never backed down a conversation, and he never turned down an "I love you".

"I don't know," I whispered out again. I started to think about all the possibilities that made Fundy suddenly start acting like this but all that happened in my head is being dizzy at the thought of everything.

"I'll talk to you later, Niki. I'd like to be alone for now."

She nodded her head and walked away back to where there are citizens and as for me, I went straight for the pond. I looked down at the water, seeing my reflection staring right back at me.

I sat down on the grass and it seemed like it had been at that for hours before someone besides me sat down and started talking.

"I used to have this pet cow named Henry, yeah... I really miss him even though he caused me many problems but that never bothered me too much.

My mum never liked the idea of me keeping a cow as a pet, I told her that she would be hurting his feelings if she ever said that in front of him so she ended up letting me keep Henry.

I didn't really have anyone, until, you know, my mum died.

Henry was always there to keep my company even if he was just an animal who probably does not understand a single word I say but I don't care.

I like talking and rambling on about my favorite things in the world.

Like playing marbles, playing that is fun, oh! And dominoes, maybe a bit of card games from time to time, and a bunch of other stuff I guess.

I hadn't had much so those are the things that kept me entertained."

I looked at Tommy as he spoke, he looked so confident in telling about anything without making himself feel the slightest bit of embarrassment.

The first time I saw him, I didn't think anything of him, I didn't think I'd ever see him again until plans changed and now I was in charge of protecting him and his friends, myself included.

I'm glad I met him, for the times Fundy ignores me, Tommy fills in the gap.

Tommy never ignores me, he's always the first one to speak to me with every chance he gets.

Lately, I've been talking to him more and more, telling him plans for the near future of L'manburg, and Tommy's response back to surprises me.

He knows his way back around with words and I could practically see him becoming the new version of me. I know he'll do such a good job at it.

I stopped Tommy before he could say anything else, "Tommy?" I say to him.


"Do you miss your home?"

"...I guess so. I don't really think there's much to go back to anyway so..."

"It's alright Tommy, things change and you know what, this is your new home now. From now on, L'manburg is your new home. Don't you forget that."

To be continued...

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Dreamsmp fanfic, but I speed write up until chapter 18. (11 votes and I'll bet on that)

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