Chapter 11 - Wilbur

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Fun Fact: After the events of the Red Festival, I was planning on killing off Tubbo as a character until I realize how important he is now lol

New POV next chapter!

Five weeks later after the day Dream had come to visit by, his friends that I recognize from the time at the castle decided to make themselves at home as if they officially live here and are welcomed.

I told them to leave but they ignored me and pretended they didn't hear a single word that I said to them.

They started to bug me out, they aren't harming anyone and that's just what's killing me.

Everyone is pressured by their appearance and those men laugh as they slightly destroy what we worked hard on and there weren't just two of them, there are three of them.

He has blonde hair, blue eyes, and the same exact armor all of them had, purple colored armor as the main color and black as the under attire.

One had a white head bandanna, one had steampunk goggles, and the new guy had a gold chain hung around his neck.

Apparently, those are the only items to tell them all apart, not that it really mattered because they are all the same at heart.

"Hello, Wilbur," Sapnap said, standing in the middle with his two other friends by his side. "How are you this lovely-lovely afternoon?"

I stared at him from a foot's distance and scoffed at his causal start up conversation. The last time I saw him, he practically threatened me to stand down and come with him, peacefully.

As if I would do such a thing, I'm never going back. As for the other guy, George, he tried to trick me into thinking that he would hand me over my son.

I saw over that trick, I'm not stupid. Unlike them, I'm not desperate for something to happen and immediately get the wish.

I learned that from Dream, he acted upon his emotions and he couldn't take back what he said. He spent his following days alone until he went to retrieve.

"Who's this new friend you brought along to embarrass yourselves in the representation of your king?" I said, nodding over to the other guy.

Sapnap narrowed his eyes but ignored the comeback and instead smiled, "This is Punz," He slung his arm around his neck and had his hand dangle from his shoulder.

"You two haven't met because he's in charge of all that hard-working important stuff that's called planning of combat. Not that you have any clue of what that means."

"Punz?" I say surprisingly, "Must be doing really important tasks, so uh, why're you here? We're not exactly important to cause trouble to bring you, fellow gentlemen, here."

"Oh, no, you are definitely important to us at the moment.

I mean, you did take away three boys who could've been loyal to us and not be taught useless information and not to waste away their life trying to build up a nation that will do you no good no matter what.

We'll be taking you in." Punz rapidly said in a voice that knew what he is saying as if he planned on what to say a few hours ago.

"We'll be taking you down,"

Punz shook his head, "Not unless you take down Dream, which may I remind you, will never happen in a life's time, not even us. We are stronger than all you combined."

"Stronger from the heart? Or stronger from the muscles?"

He shrugged his shoulders, "Doesn't matter,"

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