Ranbob - Extra chapter

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*Chapter not planned (I love Ranbob, he's very intresting hahah)

*Chapter is apart of the plot book

*Gore warning**

"Everybody here had an idol that they worshipped. That's why the rooms were all themed like one of the idols from the past--" Spoke by a man who had black and white skin with yellow and purple glowing eyes.

He had on gold leathered goggles that lay on top of his flourishing black and white hair that were at the level of his pointed ears on the side of his head and his demonic angel like tail swayed low on the ground.

"Was yours Ranboo's...?" Issac said. His brown hair hung down to his eye but he never bothered to push it back, he was nervous and stiff.

Ranbob just stared at him in silence before speaking, "Mine was Dream's."

Issac looked around the room and saw a portrait of Dream hung up on the wall, he asked, "This man right here?"


"...Was Dream a good man?" Issac nervously asked.

No one moved and no one spoke.

"Yes. Yes, he was a very good man. Depending on what you think..." Ranbob muttered the end of his sentence which made the two not hear what he said from afar.

Ranbob suddenly started moving closer to the two with a dark purple sword gripped into his hands.

The way the room was filled with some weird sense of aura, Issac and Charles started to back up, not liking the way Ranbob was speaking to them.

"Nobody, nobody leaves here."

"What do you mean nobody leaves here?"

There's a wall behind them, preventing them from moving further back.

Ranbob looked at Issac then looked at Charles, licking his lips and you can practically see his tongue because there are small holes of no flesh at his cheeks.

Charles was about to speak but before he could, Ranbob silenced him with the lunge of his sword right through his chest in a final smooth sweep.

Charles had his mouth opened almost seeming like he was screaming but nothing was audible.

Ranbob pulled out the sword quickly, watching as blood began to pool around the dead body, soaking his uniform that was white and brown, now turning a dark crimson red.

Charles' eyes stayed open, looking at nothing in particular.

Ranbob knows that his purple sword is smeared with blood but he never bothered to at least clean it.

Issac stood back shocked and scared with no clue on how to react. His eyes moved down as Charles' body fell limp to the floor in slow motion.

He's the only one left, all his other friends died.

"No! Charles!" Shouted Issac.

It all happened so quickly, with Charles' body leaving and with the edge of the sword slicing Issac throat and blood squirting out, it seems as though Ranbob has been right all along.

.                                     .                                 .                                 .                             .                     .

"Ranbob! What are you doing?" Ranbob's dad shouted as he spotted his son in the attic on the floor with his stomach flat on the ground and him flipping through pages in a book which peaked his interests.

At the sudden shout, Ranbob quickly shut the book that he was reading through and turned around to look at his dad, as he still sat on the floor.

"I-I was just looking through mom's stuff..." Ranbob said in a quiet voice. Ranbob knew he shouldn't be snooping around.

"You shouldn't be! That stuff is very private and nothing that you should know of!

Otherwise I'd lock you up in that room again, if that's what you're asking."

Ranbob looked down at the floor and shook his head.

"Say it."


"Good, now we have to go and get your mother's medicine at the local shop-" His dad turned around to head downstairs but before he did, Ranbob spoke up causing his dad to get mad inside until he let it out.

"Medicine? Why does mom need it?"

"Why does she need it? Don't tell me you forgot about this too, you fucking mouth breather. Your mother is dying and you forget?"

Hot stinging pain was sent through Ranbob's right cheek and turning his head to the side.

Ranbob felt tears forming into his eyes, he bit his lip because he didn't want to make noise. He knew his father didn't like that, especially when he's the one who caused it.

"But-But--I--I'm sorry... I forget."

His dad rolls his eyes and grabs onto Ranbob's forearm tightly, dragging him behind.

The grip was so tight it started to bruise a shade of purple on himself and he tried to pry away but the grip only got even more tighter which made Ranbob wince in pain.

"You forget about your mother but you can remember your own name? That's unbelievably selfish of you--Well--It would make sense. You have the genes of your mother and her family."

"...I think it's cool. I'm a descendant of Ranboo! and the fact that my ancestors were bookkeepers and have the greatest memory!... They kept track of history and wrote most of the history books, I want to do that too!"

His dad gave him a look, Ranbob was confused why.

"Of course," His dad says after moving on to reach the door handle to the outside world, "you definitely have the greatest memory to ever be known for."

His dad let go of him and reached over on a table to get a book, he handed it to Ranbob. Ranbob looked down at the book.

There was a purple and green gem glowing with sparkles in the middle of the brown leathered book.

"What's this?" Ranbob asked, mesmerized by the gem and not looking up at his dad.

"It's a book," He says plainly, "I decided that you should stay here, It'll be best. No child should see their mother die...Whatever you do, don't open the book.

If I ever get the slightest hint that you peaked inside, all troubles are coming out for you and it won't be good coming from me or them.

They'll haunt you forever, they'll tear your head apart until they get inside that brain of yours.

Don't open the book if you know what's best for you."

"But then...Why did you give me the book?" Ranbob hesitated to ask but still went through with his words.

His dad said nothing and left out the door, Ranbob didn't see this but his father had been smirking.

To be continued...

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I wanted to clarify that this is not Ranbobs actual backstory. This was all written by me except the beginning, the lines were all written by Karl Jacobs.

New Era - DreamSMPOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora