Prologue - Tommy

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The election was started around fall where the season had the leaves fall from the branches of bark trees. The sky was clear and the day was not as windy where if you wear a hat it would fly away. I remember when I had woken up to birds chirping outside of my opened window though that was not the way I expected to wake up on a very special day.

I expected to wake up on my own with a pleasant smile on my face as soon as I woke up, stretching out aching muscles, and the smell of cranberry pie that would be brought to me by Tubbo for our winning success.

Tubbo is a man of many since he is just remarkably intelligent. I'm glad he has my back and I'm happy that we are friends.

I woke up from the birds chirping, I heard a loud thump in the room next mine which was Tubbo's, The creak of my bedroom door opened with Wilbur poking in his head and telling me to get up.

I groaned and squeezed my eyes shut and wished I could stay in bed but today is a very special day, I did not forget about that. I drew the covers off me and headed over to the corner of the room where my uniform laid on top of a chair.

I put on the colonial military coat and lastly topped on with a black hat that trimmed the edges with white lining.

I stood myself in a dusty and dirty mirror and breathed out a huff as I pulled at the coat. The more my mind thought about the election, the stage, the thousands of people watching up at you in eyes, the more nervous I got.

Anxiety creeped up through my system. The word anxiety is trying to get an advantage of me and I can't let that happen because I'm putting everything I have into the country of L'manburg.

I can't let my guard down and lose hopes of the people because if I do, I'll probably lose mine.

I wanted to see what the ruckus was in Tubbo's room so I knocked on his door. From the other side I heard a muffled "Just a minute!" and I surprisingly patiently waited for him to open the door.

For a few minutes I heard cabinets being closed and chests being thrown open and then the door opened up to reveal Tubbo already up and ready in the uniform. He gave me a bright smile, too bright of a smile. Maybe it's just him.

"You woke up in a good mood today," I say as I look at him suspicousley and notice his hands are behind his back as if he was hiding something from me. "You hiding something, Toby?"

"Actually, I do. It's a gift I'd like to give you but let's go outside for this." He moved his closed fists hand to the inside of his jacket and stored whatever it was. He began walking out the small cabin house and when we passed by the kitchen we saw Nikki and Fundy talking to each other. We gave them the call of good morning's and sat ourselves down on a bench outside.

The view in front of us was our country - L'manburg.

"Hey Tommy," Said Tubbo speaking in a kind gesture. I turned my head to look at him and signaled him to continue. "It's been you and me since the beginning, remember that?"

I laugh because it's partly true and memoires sparked up in my head where that one time we were both accepted inside the castle of King Dream.

Dream saved my life at one point in the early days.

I was helpless, beaten up, tired, hungry... I really had nowhere to go. Dream found me and it felt surreal.

Was he even there?

Was he really holding out his hand for me to grab?

Was he really bringing me shelter in his castle?

Tubbo had been in the same boat as me, you know, helpless, beaten up, tired, and yes, hungry, very hungry on an empty stomach. Everyone looked up to King Dream, he was my savoir.

"We had our quarrels but it's been a lotta fun, great, every positive comment!"

"And," Tubbo looked at the view of L'manburg and licked at his dry lips before speaking up again. "I have something for you which is the first thing i've ever valued in my entire life -- ever since um... Dream took me in. Look, consider this a token of good luck for the election. I really hope this turns out for the better."

Tubbo reached inside his coat and brought out a small pufferfish stuffed animal and held it out to me. I stared at him in utter shock and looked down at the plush. I picked up the plush and said in a soft whisper, "Thank you, Tubbo."

And though Dream had given this as a gift to Tubbo and should have burned it to hell by now — it brought peace to Tubbo and made him feel everything will turn out okay in the end.

In the beginning, all we had was each other and trusted people. Just never expected to be someone 'important' in history books.

To be continued...

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