Chapter 10 - Tommy

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"Do you have any siblings at least?" Sapnap asked me as we sat down on the ground behind my house near a large thick tree trunk.

I sat there with my knees pulled up to my chest and my arms wrapped around them.

I breathed out through my nose and responded saying, "Nope, just me -my mum and my pet cow, Henry!"

Sapnap nodded, "Oh well, I'm sorry about your dad, I mean-"

"Nah, It's alright," I waved it off. "It wasn't his fault that he upped and left for a battle. My mother told me he didn't want to go but he'd been forced to go in the end. At least I know he didn't intend to leave us."

I never knew my own dad because I had been too little to even remember the slightest feature of him.

I always grew up wondering where he had been all my life until my mum told me that he had been enlisted to go away.

She expected him to come back home once he's finished doing whatever he was sent to do but he never came back.

"I'm sure he'd be happy with how much of a great person you've grown to be, Tommy." I looked over at Sapnap, who gave me a thumbs up with a smile.

At a comment like that, It made me feel like I accomplished something good. I returned with a smile and pictured how if my dad was here, he would give me a proud pat on the shoulder or a big hug.

"He'd probably be a good hugger," I thought to myself.

"Tommy," Sapnap spoke up, he stood up and stared off towards the swamp in front of us. I scrunch up my face in confusion by the way he said my name - It felt off.

"Where do you see yourself in the future? A hero? The good guy who saves the day in the end and have your people who follow you cheer you on?"

I thought for a moment, wondering why he would ask something like that. All I really see myself doing in the future is being with my mother, having an everyday life like any other person living about their own life.

"If it were up to me, I'd definitely be the hero. The world could go to shit at any given time and if there's no one stepping up to do something about it then we're all doomed except - everyone's lucky they have a person like me.

I'd be the brave one to call in and help out.

And as soon as people realize I'm making an impact, they will be praising me and yes, as you said, cheering me on but that'll be too good to be true and way overboard to go along with.

I don't think I'd be a hero in any story, I mean, why would you want to be a hero if there's nothing to stop a horrendous thing going on?"

"At the wrong time, Tommy. You'll be walking into an event, with people seeing you as a hero - at the wrong time and it'll make you want to go back to family."

Maybe if time reversed I'd be sitting around in the living room with the Christmas tree glowing up with lights swirled all around and ornaments hung on each branch separately.

The star at the top of the tree which is really what makes up the whole Christmas tree, it completes it.

I'll be sitting there on the ground, listening to my family members as my middle oldest brother entertains me with a car toy and I giggled as his voice went in a deep tone.

My mum, dad, and older brother sat on the sofa close together because my older brother is showing off a book to them, the title The Art of War.

I never really understood him, he was always busy and I never got a chance to spend time with him, it makes me sad.

My brother next to me laughing, ruffled up my hair and I imagined him saying, "I love messing with you, Tom. That's what brothers do and since you're so clingy and attach to me a whole lot, you're like my little shadow."

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