Chapter 4 - Tommy

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Anyone think the Prologue I wrote is boring af? I can fix it or add more.

I walked over to a fancy wooden chair and sat myself down where Tubbo had also taken a seat next to me.

I was sitting on the right side of where Dream is sitting, at the front of the table for his eyes to view over everyone whose eating at the diner table.

I look at the food in front of me, scattered up and down the table. There was so much food that I didn't think anyone here can finish it all.

Red apples, tiny chocolate cakes, pasties, fudge, neatly sliced up french bread, cherries, spaghetti, fruit salad, garlic toast, grapes, and the list goes on.

Looking at the food for so long made my stomach growl in hunger and I proceeded to reach in for the food.

I took a bite out of a loaf of bread and my mouth felt as if it had melted and my insides had a giddy feeling.

I look at Dream and noticed that I could see his features more clear now except for the part that both of his eyes are covered up in a white bandage that runs down to his nose. His blonde hair pops out to me the most and his new royal outfit.

His dark green hooded cloak is pulled up to his head and is long enough to hit down to your knees, he wears this lined leather jerkin with a purple looking robe that is fastened tightly with brown straps.

He's holding up a golden cup, that happens to have a reflection like a mirror, with tiny blue jewels lining up at the top that's reaching his lips.

He downs the liquid down his throat and swallows and he gently places the cup on the table. His head turns to me and probably catches me looking at him in curiosity.

"Enjoying yourself?" He asks.

I nod my head and take a grape apart from its stem on top of a silver plate. I saw his lips curl up into a smile and he continues on speaking, "Good, I'm glad to hear that."

After eating the rest of the food off my plate, I suddenly remember about the bath that I've been wanting ever since I came here.

I quickly asked Dream before I forgot and he let one of his maids escort me and lead me the way. I looked back at the diner table and saw Tubbo staring at me back.

He caught my stare and he smiled.

"We set up the bath for you," She bowed her head, and before I could ask why they did this for me, she already was ahead of me. "The king requested."

With that, she left me alone in the bathing room. I turn around and saw the tub of water for me to get into. I sigh and mumble to myself, "A start of something new..."

. . . . . .

I sat there on the cold concrete floor of the roof while I hear loud chatter and a loud voice that could travel for a mile. I blink, I blink again, I closed my eyes and opened up my eyes and struck myself back into reality.

Wilbur was going to blow up a land full of innocent people who had zero clue on what was about to happen to them all and if I don't stop them, It'll be all my fault.

Sixteenth of October will always be marked the day where Tommy screwed up bad if of course, he did screw up.

I stood myself up with a hand to the floor, pushed myself up, and made my way down to the ladder.

I rounded myself to the corner of a building, close enough to the podium, and sneakily snuck myself to where Wilbur supposedly held explosives underneath.

There was a steep hill so I laid down and slid down the hill where I saw Wilbur pacing back 'n forth and angrily gripped his nails into the dirt, almost as clawing out the dirt.

"Wilbur?" I said quietly confused. Wilbur sped around fast and his eyes were shown with envy and it put me on edge.

Recently, everything that Wilbur has been saying and doing has put me on edge and I wasn't okay with it.

I tell that to myself but never ever directed towards Wilbur. I'm afraid of what he would do if I told him that to his face.

I did that last time and all he did was scream in my face in anger with direct messages that I couldn't agree with but I had a feeling I got lucky.

"Tommy... you- did you do this?"


"Did you hide the tunnel hold? You were the only person I have told, Tommy! You betrayed me...Tommy.." He was pointing his finger around, accusing me, then his words started to die down into silence.

And by lucky, I mean I wouldn't be the next time and I certainly didn't want to wait around for it to happen.

"Wilbur, no. I didn't do this. I didn't betray you. You betrayed yourself." I squint my eyes at Wilbur and left before he said anything else.

I wasn't the only one who knew about Wilbur's plan.

I climbed myself back onto the hill. I stood afar from the podium and just at the right time, I heard the loud voice that could be heard from a mile speak up.

He chuckled.

"Tubbo...I know what you've been up to."

.                                     .                                 .                                 .                             .                     .

After having that bath I always wanted, I headed towards the bedroom that I've been left for to sleep upon.

As I got there, I saw Tubbo leaning against the wall besides the door. He heard my footsteps and backed off the wall.

"Tubbo? What're you doing here so late?" The time was past dawn and by now, it's midnight.

For Tubbo to be waiting around patiently for me to return makes me think he wants me for something and it isn't even a lie at this point.

It happens every time I see someone waiting around for me.

"Hey Tommy, I don't want to be a bother since you know, we just met and everything.... I have a feeling I will be able to trust you,"

I gave him a slow nod and allowed him inside the bedroom where he went over to the bed but never sat down.

His face showed that he is deep in thought and I wondered what he's thinking, making sure he says the right thing.

Finally, he opened his mouth and began speaking out, "I need your help but you have to promise me you won't tell anyone else."

I rolled my eyes and laughed, "I really don't have anyone to talk about stuff with so yeah, I promise you."

"Thank you, I- I have this friend, he um- I haven't seen him in awhile and just recently, I've found him. He's here-"

"If he's here then what's the problem?"

"Nothing. There is no problem it's just that he was brought here to be a servant for King Dream. It's sort of a long story but..."

Tubbo sighed, "We were both desperate so we decided to steal and much luck to my friend, he was caught.

He's facing consequences and don't get me wrong, this place is amazing but there are things that people don't know about King Dream.

I've been staying here to come up with a plan to get him out, for him to escape. Nothings come up to mind but now that you are here, the plan is perfect.

Trust me, you will be giving me a favor."

When he finished, all the words he told me were still in process trying to understand all the information he just gave me.

I don't know who this Tubbo guy is but all I can say is that I can trust him just as he's putting his trust into me.

"What's this friend of yours name?" I asked.


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