Chapter 7 - Wilbur

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A/N: I waited for todays stream event so I can write more. Ngl, Really fucking shocked me lol what (Nov. 16)

"I was like you, once," I said as I sat on top of a rock with the top being smooth and site.

Tommy sat in the corner of the ravine, away from where I was.

I noticed his shaky movements, I noticed the fear and the shock on his face, I noticed.

"Don't give me that shit." He told me.

"You want to protect your friends. You want to uphold your family's beliefs - you love your family and friends.

They were good to you. You don't want to think they're horrible people, they loved you."

I dug my nails into my palms. I titled my head.

"The people who love you can still be wrong, they can still believe the wrong thing, still do awful things.

That doesn't mean their love is any less real. That doesn't mean you can't love them." I stood, slowly, and held out a hand for Tommy to accept it.

"But you don't have to be like them."

Tommy can be like me.

He can be like me.

He and I can be-

"You're right, I don't have to be like you."

.                                     .                                 .                                 .                             .                     .

"Once upon a time far across the sea, there lived an Emperor who loved clothes. His every thought was about them.

He spent all of his money on new clothes. He filled all his time dressing and undressing.

He had so many clothes that he had a different coat for every hour of the day."

This is Fundy's favorite fairy tale, as well as mine. I'm not sure why but it tells something and gives people a message, just as other stories do.

When I was alone and the trees whispered, I sat on the floor in his room, I reached for the book, I looked over the cover several times - a million times and read it over and over and over.

"I want you to disappear from my life." A voice whispered.

"I'll do anything to make you happy!" A familiar voice whispered.

I read it so many times that I thought I was back in time when everything was fine, me, Fundy, her, Dream and I being allies.

It really only takes one small distraction to get me out of my train of thought. There was only me, no Fundy, no her, no trusted friendships.

"I always thought there were good people. That we're all human, so we could be understood.

But you?

I can't give you any more chances. It ends here." A voice whispered.

Dream came to me one day and wanted me to shake his hand on an agreement. I heard that his father had died in a battle, I felt sorry for him, and Dream's appearance changed too.

I didn't see his eyes, I didn't his facial features, he hid everything behind a hood and some bandages.

I noticed a spot of blood right where his left eye would be.

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