Chapter 6 - Tommy

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Tysm for reading this, this means a lot.

Exiting the castle at night made it seem pretty awesome and made me feel like a superspy of some sort. No one seemed to talk as we made it out from the castle.

Even I haven't said a word, Sapnap working with Dream and all. I noticed Jack's eyes remained on the floor at each step he took.

From what it seemed like, Jack and Purpled must've been good friends. The way I saw Jack's face to finding Purpled was definitely a smile who seemed like they haven't seen in forever who's been away from vacation then a smile that wasn't even a smile.

It was a smile of betrayal, maybe a smile of "Are-you-saying-what-I-think-you're-saying?". I didn't bother Jack, kept it a silent road. I looked at Tubbo, he hasn't said anything in a while, perhaps upset because Jack is the saddest. I wouldn't blame him.

I looked at the older man in front of me, he walks as if he's a leader of some sort, he keeps on a straight face half of the time which makes me wonder if you can get him to laugh or not.

Sapnap had said Dream and this man were once friends.

They could still possibly be friends and this whole rescuing thing and breaking out with an unknown person can all be a complete and utter lie!

His name is in my mind, Wilbur Soot, and if anything at all goes wrong, I'll remember him 'till the day that I die. I swear it.

As we continue to walk in silence, I see houses and people walking around on the roadway, going about their day.

Wilbur sped himself in front of us more to open a door that leads inside. The three of us all stopped in our tracks and examined the area.

"Are you boys coming in?" I looked at Tubbo, seeing if he agreed to this. He didn't give me an answer and I don't bother with Jack. His eyes are still glued to the floor and I know he must be in a different world.

The only option is myself though I wasn't even sure. I have my suspicions on Wilbur, I took my chances with Dream so I gave a sigh. If I were to die, I at least lived knowing I had someone to watch my back and trust me.

"Yes, we'll stay with you." I got out the words from my mouth. Wilbur stepped aside from the doorway to let us in.

We stepped inside and immediately I started to feel nostalgic. It hasn't been that long ago since I've been living in a house, not a castle, but it does feel like it has been forever.

The light from the ceiling glowed off a color of orange throughout the room, there was a comfy looking sofa, a kitchen - I'll most likely invade.

I love food and you can't stop me, oh and there were some bedrooms. A man and a woman came out of a room and their eyes laid on us.

The man had brown and slightly curled hair. He had blue eyes that matched with his blue dress up shirt. I noticed he had a purple gem stone as a necklace that hangs down his neck.

The woman besides him had medium blonde hair cut, a short pink dress that reached down to her knees along with a red leather jacket.

They both looked at Wilbur to get an idea of what happened and why we are here in which in return Wilbur says, "They needed help and I helped them." The woman nodded her head in understanding.

"What're your names?" She asked nicely. I gave her a look and said, "You say yours first."

"My name is Niki and this," She gestured her hand to the man next to her, "Is Eret." Niki smiled and Eret waved.

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