Chapter 17 - Tommy

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Toᒲᒲ||... I on't ae enough tie to taꖎꖌ ʖut I ust ant  ||ou to now tat I'ʖeen the one giing ||ou the isions!

The isions, Toᒲᒲ||!

It's e a-...




"Tommy--and Wilbur...and the rest of L'manchildburg. We are at war. There is no mercy.

We've burnt down Tubbo's house.

We've plated tnt cannons around your land. We have cobblestone walled the outside and we have shot one warning shot inside your walls as an explosion.

We have no mercy!

No mercy for you!

Do you understand?

We will come burn down your houses and we will kill everything inside your walls and we will take down the land that is rightfully ours. If you do not surrender, I wanna see white flags!

White flags outside your base--by tomorrow--at dawn or you are dead!"


"Tommy! Don't you remember what Wilbur told us? He told us not to go back, I think we should listen to him--" Tubbo tried pulling me back but I dodged it and continued to walk towards the home that I grew up in.

I didn't have any care for what Wilbur told us not to do, Dream had threatened us, and it's aggravating me. We want L'manberg to have independence but everyone is being too cautious and we're not fighting for what we want, I don't understand the way everyone else thinks but luckily, I do.

Jack Manifold left saying that he is proud of what we've become and I'm going to keep up that proud work.

Whenever he comes back, I want to have this nation even better than it is now and then I want him to smile and be even prouder.

We went up the hills, away from L'manberg. We kept walking straight ahead until we made it to my home by the swamp. Again, I looked it over making sure nothing had changed from the times I've been gone.

Left to right, up and down, and went to the bench and sat down where I heard a sigh from Tubbo from behind me.

"You didn't have to follow me, you know. You could've just left me be." I told Tubbo.

"Well, yeah," He shrugged his shoulders "but I have to make sure you're not to get yourself killed or anything like that."

"I appreciate your generosity but I can take care of myself very well, thank you very much."

"So you would've found a way out from the castle without me? Seems unlikely,"  Tubbo took a seat next to me and sighed, "Last time we were here, you told me about your cool superpowers and what not. You seem to trust me so it's only fair we both tell our history.

When I was thirteen years old, my parents died in a fire in our home while I had been out fishing to bring home food.

I don't know where the fire came from or why and I was all alone by myself until I met Jack a year later. We were both homeless but he had a couple of friends who helped us out on supplies.

At some point, Jack told me about his life which he said he never met his parents. He went to an orphanage and grew up there and then left when he was the age of twelve.

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