Chapter 8 - Wilbur

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Two months seemed longer since we last ran away from Dream's guards. We're all safe away, far from the kingdom. We settled down on a large amount of land for us to claim as our own and ever since then, we've been calling it our home.

I had gotten ahold of men who were willing to help us build a wall section, for intruders to stay out and friendly people to keep in.

Day by day, I wake up to see the walls getting more complete. The walls are sturdy and nothing at all can get through them, as soon as people saw that, people started to move in.

I welcomed them of course, I had a chat with Tommy about something new, something greater, something achievable.

Tommy and I started talking more about, well, everything. Tommy told me about how he lost his mother to someone he used to know, how he survived on his own for a couple of days, Tommy never meeting his father, how he was alone, like me.

I felt sorry for him, he's young and he shouldn't have gone through that which makes me feel guilty for pushing away Fundy.

"Wilbur?" Tommy said.


We were in a building, not big, just small. There was a round table in the middle of the room, I sat in a chair in the middle while Tommy sat right across me and he's been sitting there, quietly thinking to himself for the past few minutes.

I as well was thinking with a pen in my hand and brought up to my lips for me to chew my way through this thinking process.

The paper is right in front of me, waiting for me to write something on it. It can't be that hard to come up with something, a name for a country. We don't have a symbolic theme, we only just started.

"I might have a name."

I looked at him, "Go on."

He opened his mouth to say something, nothing came out until he got his voice back, "I was thinking, Marburg."


"Manburg! I know, I know, it's a genius idea, no need for the excitement, Wilbur."

I won't lie, Tommy can be brilliant sometimes and him coming up with a name like that is spectacular. I probably should never say that out loud to anyone, especially Tommy, I can never admit that to him. I like making fun of him.

The name has a good ring to it though I think it could be worked on. I dropped the pen onto the table and let the ink finally write something.

I started to think and it was actually going somewhere. I wrote eight letters and I showed it up to Tommy for him to read it.

"Lemanburg?" Tommy questioned.

Did he even read that right? I know I did not write an 'e'.

"No Tommy, L'manburg."

"L'manburg..." He tried out the word for himself, kept mumbling it to himself a couple of times even.

"L'manbrug will be the name of our country because we are ten times better than what Dream's kingdom can be. He has a penalty for a citizen hunting an animal is a year in imprisonment, we have a penalty for a citizen hunting an animal without a license is two months in prison,

He has a penalty for a citizen attacking a royal or a friend and is immediate death, we have a penalty for a citizen attacking their leaders is 7 months in prison, he has a penalty for stealing weapons which is immediate death, we have a penalty for stealing weapons and is court.

His punishments for criminals are death by combat, public humiliation, beheading, life imprisonment, exile, death sentence, and a long prison sentence,"

I memorized every single law in his kingdom so that I could be able to one day become more than that, better than that and that's what today is about.

I'm better than what Dream became, I'll never turn into a man like him. He destroys and destroys until he gets what he wants, after all, it's all revenge to him.

"L'manburg stands for it's vigorous, flourishing, and for being strong. We do as much as possible for everything to be less violent.

There will not be an act of execution for stupidity but an act of freedom and liberty. If you think about it, Tommy, no one needs to get hurt at the end of the day. You make a scene, you walk away."

I'm taking my stand and I'm glad my companions agree with me, we can become something bigger and better.

Tommy agrees, he's nodding his head and his head is held up high in such confidence, it makes me smile to see I'm making a difference. It had to be somebody and fast as well, otherwise, things could turn out for the worst.

After writing down words on pieces of paper, I got up from my chair and stretched. I've been sitting down for so long and I hadn't noticed Tommy leaving the room. I put everything away in safekeeping inside boxes that no one would ever think to look through.

I saw Fundy sitting next to Niki, talking about whatever seems to interest them. He's talking to Niki as if he's known her longer, he smiles, laughs, everything we used to do together. Fundy's been ignoring me and I can't find out why.

Why is he ignoring me?

Did I do something?

I've been talking to him every day since the day I got him back, I never left his side, I ask if he's okay and feeling well at least a million times, I don't understand what I'm doing wrong, maybe it was something I said but I wouldn't say anything to have Fundy ignore me like this.

I wish I knew, I wish he can tell me.

I walk over to them but I'm not there for Fundy, I'm there for Niki. She saw me and smiled warmly like she always does. She's so kind, she reminds me of a princess. I'm so glad I met her, if I hadn't, my life would be in shambles.

On my bad days, she's capable of somehow making me smile even when I don't want to. She's special for anyone to have in their life.

As I drew near, Fundy adjusted his eyes to the ground, looking anywhere but me, and I noticed. I sighed, "Niki, can you do me a favor?"

"Sure, Wil, what is it?"

"I want you to stitch up a uniform for all seven of us, We're creating a country together, and I- It's better if I tell you all at the same time. Will you be able to do this task? You don't have to do it, I was just wonder-"

"I'll do it. It's something that you are proud of and so is that little shadow of yours following you around."

Niki's eyes moved from behind me, I turned my head to see Tommy with Tubbo and Jack, they're all by a tree talking and laughing. Niki's talking about Tommy being my shadow and it's true, he's proud of showing off that he looks up to me.

I try my best to be a good influence on him in general, with just the two of us, he's my little brother. Not my real brother - I have an older brother, I haven't seen him in years.

"Thank you, Niki, for helping." I turned my head back to her.

It was only noon so I went to the entrance of the walls and stood there, examining the area. This is L'manburg and we'll be better together against Dream and his kingdom. I have faith in this country and it will do us all good one day, I just know it.

I saw a figure from a distance, standing there by the hills with tall trees all around. I couldn't tell who it was because they walked away right after I can even make out a face.

I hope they don't cause me and my country any trouble. Until we are fully complete, we can defend because unlike Dream, he prefers the offense.

To be continued...

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