Chapter 15

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 After what seemed like forever, I finally woke up. I slowly start to sit up but stop because my body starts to sting. I look all over my body and see what the effects were. My whole body is as white as snow. It kind of looks wrinkly in a few spots. I notice my face is all wrapped up. There is a bathroom in the room, but do I have the strength to get up? I look around and try to find a mirror. I finally found one by the couch. I stand up and slowly walk over and grab it. I sit back down on the bed. I sigh, then start taking the wrap off. Alright, here it goes. The new me. I slowly raise the mirror up and gasp. Oh my gosh... My face. It's ruined! My lips must have been affected, because there's a scar on both sides. How? No one ever tried to cut them. My eyes have these weird dark spots. It looks like black eye shadow, but it isn't. My hair is luckily okay. Nothing really fell out. But my face was as pale and wrinkly as the rest of my body. I can't believe it. I look hideous! I start to cry while still feeling pain. I smash the mirror on the table next to me. Someone opens the door and runs in. It was Jim.

"Is everything alright?" Jim asks.

"Y-Yeah. Everything's fine." I whisper.

"Then why are you crying?"

"I-I didn't think my face would end up like this." I wipe my tears away from my eyes.

"Hey, don't be upset. You're still the same Jersey I know."

"How? I look fucked up now!" I then threw the mirror to the side.

"No you don't."

"Yes I do! People will look at me differently now! They'll think I'm insane!"

"No one will think that. They know what happened and it's not your fault." I look up at him and widen my eyes.

"What do you mean, they know?"

"Well, when the ambulance came to pick you up, the news people came. They told everyone that you fell in the acid." I start to chuckle.

"See? Now people will think I'm in-"

"No they won't. Because Bruce got interviewed."

"He did?"

"Yes. I'll show you." He grabs the TV remote and goes to the news channel.

"Can you believe that Jersey did this? Do you believe she is insane now?" A reporter asks.

"She's not insane. Jeremiah pulled her into the acid. None of this was her fault! She's innocent!" Bruce says as he walks away from the news people.

"Well you heard it there, folks! I'm Vicki Vale, reporting to you live-" Jim turns the t.v off.

"You see? No one thinks you're insane." Jim says.

"But they don't know the real story. None of those people know anything about me." I say.

"They at least know you're not like your brothers. And they know you didn't blow up the orphanage."

"Yeah, I guess you're right." We sat there for a couple of moments in silence.

"If you don't mind me asking, how are you doing?" He asks.

"I told you I'm fine."

"I mean overall, how are you doing?"

"Fine for the most part, why?"

"Well, it's been a long time since Jerome has passed. How has that been for you?" Oh great, here we go again. Now I have to think about my dead brother again.

"I mean, it's hard to deal with his loss while also dealing with Jeremiah now. I-I guess I haven't really thought about him as much unless someone brings him up."

"I thought you two were close?"

"We were. But due to Jeremiah trying to change me, it's been hard to think about anything else. What even brought him up?" I ask.

"Well, I know it's been awhile. And I know it's still probably been hard for you to deal with your other brother and still think about him."

"I mean, like I said, I haven't really thought about him much. This whole damn Jeremiah problem has been keeping me busy to where I honestly forgot everything else. Heh, I guess that's a non-benefit of having another insane brother. You get so focused on them, you can't even remember the one who fucking died and was always there for you."

"I know it's hard, Jersey. But it's not your fault. I'm sure if Jerome were here, he'd know why it's hard to think about him all of the time. Unfortunately, it's too late to change or stop Jeremiah. I wish it were that simple, but sadly it isn't. I promise, we are trying our best to fix everything. And we want you to take a break." He sighs. I roll my eyes and sit up.

"You know that's not going to happen, Jim. He's not going to listen to anyone, except maybe me. Plus, he's bound to be gone now. Ecco probably took him back-"

"She won't be able to."

"What do you mean?"

"We're taking him to Arkham." My eyes widen and then I start to chuckle.

"Wow. And here we go again... another damn Valeska going to jail! Ha ha ha!" I froze for a second and realized I was going too far. "I'm sorry, it's just hard to hear your brother having to go to jail."

"I'm sorry, Jersey. But we want to do this so that you're safe-"

"Safe? I will never BE safe, Jim. You think my brothers are that stupid? They won't ever stop, Jim. Not until I become insane like them."

"I know they won't stop. But I think this will help out a lot. And I promise you, Jersey, I will do whatever it takes to keep you sane. I know you don't want to be like them. And you never will as long as we're around."

"Thanks Jim. Anyways, you should head over to Arkham. Just to make sure nothing bad happens."

"Right. See you later. Get some rest, okay?"

"Yeah. See you later." He leaves the room and I start closing my eyes. After a few minutes, I hear a laugh. And it kept getting stronger.... And stronger.... And stronger. The weird thing about it was it was near me, and I could feel it.

Hey everyone! Wow, it's been a while, heh. I promise, I tried not to forget about this story or any other ones that I need to update! Basically school is an evil thing and I've been busy with theatre and show choir. I do have a 2 week break so I'll try and update more. But after that, I'm busy again. So I'm really sorry if I'm behind! But I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter and happy holidays!

Like My Brothers |Jerome/Jeremiah Valeska| (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now