Chapter 17

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I drove over to Arkham once Bruce left. I walk into the building and head to the main office.

"I'm here to see Jeremiah Valeska." I say to the lady.

"He's still recovering from the acid. Are you sure you want to see him?" She asks.

"Yeah. I'm sure." She calls for a guard to escort me over to where Jeremiah is at. I walk into the room and see Lee right away.

"Jersey, it's been awhile. How have you been?" Lee asks.

"Fine, I guess. Still recovering from the burns." I say.

"Well you look better than when you first fell in."

"Thanks. Anyways, how's he doing?"

"Not so good. He wasn't so lucky when it came to recovering."

"That bad, huh?"

"Yeah. His body reacted a lot more than yours. It's like his body is disappearing." I start to tear up. I won't lost him, will I?

"He'll be okay though, right?"

"He should be. I think it's just taking longer to heal because of his reaction to the chemicals."

"Can I see him?" I ask quietly.

"Of course. I will warn you, his face is pretty... graphic. But I promise, it won't look like that for the rest of his life."

"Okay." We walk over to his bed and I already start feeling scared. His whole body was covered up. Lee slowly unwraps his face and then I gasp. Holy shit. It really did get to him. I thought I looked terrible. He looks ten times worse than I do. I start to tear up as I see another brother hurt. What do I do at this point? Will I lose the only family member I have left?

"Jersey?" Lee says.


"I can give you some time if you w-"

"No, it's fine. I should get going." I start walking towards the door slowly.

"Feel free to visit anytime."

"I'm sorry. But with how things are going... I don't want to see him unless he becomes sane again."

"Alright. Well, just let me or Jim know and we'll let you in."

"Thanks." I walk out of the room and leave the prison as soon as possible. I would never want to walk out on family like that. But what else could I do? Risk my life again just so I can say hi? Yeah, that's not happening. I almost lost my life with most family members. Let's not add to that collection. Gosh, with Bruce and basically everyone I know being gone... What should I do? Wait. Bruce is gone. And from what I've heard, he's training for something. I know what to do. This city is falling apart without him. And there's only one way to stop it. I head to the police station and find Jim's desk.

"Jersey?" I turn around and see Jim walking towards me. "What are you doing here?"

"Well, I actually had a question for you."

"Which is?"

"Can I help you out?" I ask.

"What do you mean?"

"Can I join the GCPD? At least until Bruce gets back."

"Jersey, I can't let you do that-"

"Why not? Because my siblings are killers?" I raise my voice.

"No! Because this city is dangerous! And I'm not putting you at risk!"

"And who else is going to be there to save the city?" I sigh. "A lot of people have given up, Jim. But I won't. I'm not going to stand back with everyone else and let these villains take control. I will do whatever it takes to bring this city back. Even if it means stopping my own brother."

"Alright, fine." He sighs. "But you are going to be by my side the whole time. I'm not letting anyone get to you. Especially not Jeremiah."

"Deal. But if he happens to show up, I'm ending the battle."

"As long as Harvey or I are with you."

"Got it." He reaches into his desk drawer and pulls out a badge. He throws the badge to me and I catch it with one hand.

"Welcome to the team."

"Thanks. Now, let's go save this city."

At least, that's what we hoped would happen. But I guess not every goal can be accomplished. Especially in a city full of criminals.

Welcome to Gotham city.

You either make it out or you don't.

It's your funeral....

Like My Brothers |Jerome/Jeremiah Valeska| (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now