Chapter 16

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I flip through the channels on the TV. The news channel shows up and brings up the incident again. Great, now they're accusing me of being insane AND blowing up the orphanage. Way to assume shit, Gotham! I hear a knock on the door and tell whoever to come in. Bruce then enters the room.

"Hey." He says.

"Hey Bruce." I say.

"How have you been feeling?"

"Better actually. They think I might be able to leave soon." I smile as I start to realize that.

"Really? That's awesome!"

"Yeah. I can't wait."

"How have you felt emotion-wise?" Shit. I knew he'd ask that.

"Well, not so good."

"What's going on?"

"Haven't you noticed?" I scoff. "The whole city's talking about me now. Apparently, I'm insane just because I fell into damn chemicals!"

"Jersey, you can't listen to those people. They just want to assume everything and make things sound worse than they really are."

"And you think that doesn't affect me?"

"It does, but-"

"I've been wanting to fucking die just because of this! I mean for fucks sake, I can't even handle how I look right now! I'm hideous! I look terrible! And them accusing me of being insane now isn't helping at all! I've dealt with enough shit Bruce, this isn't making it better." After that, I start to cry. I just couldn't handle it anymore. Bruce comes over and sits by me.

"Jersey, I don't want you to ever think that you are hideous. I don't care what the acid did, you're still a gorgeous human being. And I know you, you would never try to be insane. No matter what it takes. So please believe me when I say this, you are you. And I don't want you to be ashamed just because a bunch of idiots make up random stuff. I love you for who you are, just know that." He holds my hand and gives me a small kiss on the head.

"Thanks Bruce. It means a lot." It got silent for a few minutes, then I finally spoke up. "You know, I never thought it would ever come to this moment."

"What moment?"

"Where my brothers finally won. Where I become just like them."

"They didn't win. You're not even close to being like them."

"Really? I've gotten sprayed with insanity gas before, I got pushed into acid, and I got controlled from a chip that can-"

"Wait, what?"

"The chip must have worked, Bruce." I sigh. "He's tried it so many times and each time it felt like I've changed."

"Yeah, but you're still yourself. So you must be strong enough to fight back."

"That's not the point, Bruce." I stand up as he walks back slightly. "The point is I can't be any more stronger. The chip took enough effort for me to get back. I'm sure this will take even more. I can't do this anymore Bruce."

"I know you can, Jersey. And regardless of what happens, I will still love you the same. Unfortunately, I have to leave now. So will you do me a favor?"

"Yeah, of course."

"Will you watch and protect the city for me?" I freeze for a second and smile slightly, thinking he was joking.

"Sure? But why?"

"I-I know it's going to be hard. But Jersey.... I'm leaving Gotham."

"Y-You're what? Why would you leave Gotham?" I ask.

"I need to find who I am. What my purpose is on here. Plus, I think Gotham needs to have more heroes. So I'm going to train myself and hopefully learn how to fight in the end."

"What and the police aren't enough?"

"No no no. I just want to help them out and have the city look up to someone. I just think they don't really have anyone to look up to right now."

"So you're just going to leave everyone here while you do something for your own good?" My voice starts to crack as I said this.

"It's not like that-"

"Alright. Have fun wherever you go. See you hopefully in the future."


"Just go." He walks out of the room. I can't believe it. He's leaving the city. And just to be seen as a hero? I guess it's a good thing to help this city. But what if something happens? Jesus, my mind is so messed up I can't even think straight. Maybe it's because of Jeremiah. I guess I can never get my mind off of my siblings. Well, back to Arkham I guess.

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