Chapter 8

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Ecco takes me to an abandoned building. As soon as she parks the car, she points the gun at me. She slowly steps out and walks towards the back door. She opens the door and points the gun at my head.

"Out." She says. I step out and start walking to the building. Once I enter, I notice a chair in the middle of the room. "Sit." I walk over to it and sit down. She grabs rope and ties me up. Usually I would struggle, but what's the point? It's not like I can escape anyways. "Jeremiah will see you soon." She then walks away. After a few minutes, I hear someone laughing.

"Well, if it isn't the girl who destroyed the city." Jeremiah says.

"I didn't destroy anything. You were the one who planted the bombs." I say.

"But I did it so we could be close again, right?"

"See that's what I don't get. You always make the other person feel guilty. You never admit that you were wrong in this situation."

"I know I'm wrong. I just make others think they could be wrong too. That way they can show their true selves, like I did."

"You know, Harvey was right. You're insane like Jerome-" Jeremiah grabs my neck and tightens his grip.

"I am NOTHING like Jerome. How do you not see that?!" Jeremiah shouts.

"Y-You're right. You're nothing like Jerome. Because Jerome would never hurt me on purpose." Jeremiah lets go of my neck, and I start gasping for breath.

"Jersey, I-I'm sorry-"

"Don't apologize. It's too late for that."

"Well, anyways, I did call your boyfriend. Hopefully he will show up soon before it's too late."

"What do you mean?"

"Oh, I forgot to tell you. As Ecco was tying you, she also strapped a bomb to the back of the chair. If Bruce doesn't save you in time, bam! You're dead."

"You're sick."

"I prefer the word 'evil', but that works too." He laughs and walks away.

"I guess I was right. You are the worst brother ever!" Jeremiah stops and starts laughing like crazy. He turns around and starts moving towards me.

"Is that how this is going to be? You'll always see me as the worser brother?" He laughs again and puts a gun to my head. "Then why did Jerome kill our mother? I would have never left if he wouldn't have tried to kill me!"

"If you want to pull the trigger, then do it! Don't think I don't remember what happened when we were kids! And yeah, I'll always think you're the worst. But that's only because I got treated like shit! I NEVER deserved to get hurt by mom or Jerome! Because you left, and because you put chips in our necks, I've been hurt! And I never said that Jerome was the best. I don't have a favorite, not anymore. Kill me if you want to, at least I'll die knowing I'm not like my brothers!" He rolls his eyes then starts to turn around.

"Are you serious- Wait. Did you say you'll die not being like us?"

"Yeah, why?"

"That just gave me an idea! Ecco! Get the chip remote control!"

"You think electrocuting me will make me insane?"

"Not electrocuting, sis." My eyes widen as I realize what he meant. He wants to turn me insane.

"Jeremiah, don't even think about it!" I shout.

"Well, it must have helped Jerome become more evil. So I'm sure it will work on you as well!" He turns the chip on and gets ready to press the button. "Any last words before you become one of us?"

"Fuck you!" I shout. He gasps dramatically and puts his hand on his chest. 

"Harsh. Anyways, time for you to become just like Jerome and I-" Bruce then tackles Jeremiah to the floor. He breaks the remote for the chip in my neck. Ecco helps Jeremiah get up, while Bruce helps untie me. "Oh Brucie, you think that will stop me? She can still die!"

"What are you talking about?"

"Well, there is still a bomb tied to her chair. Hopefully you'll save her in time!" He laughs and runs away with Ecco.

"Bruce, just go." I say. 

"No! You're not dying on me!" He shouts. He runs to the back of the chair and tries to untie me.

"And you're not dying on me!"

"I'll get you out before it's too late. I promise."

"Fine." I sigh. He grabs a pair of clippers from his pocket. He starts to cut the ropes off of the chair. I get free and give him a hug. "Thank you!" I start crying and he wipes my tears away.

"I told you I'd save you." We then hear beeping and look at the chair. The bomb is at 10 seconds. "Let's go!" He grabs me and we run out of the building. We made it just before the bomb went off. "Whew, that was close! Right Jersey? Jersey?" I look at the city and start tearing up. "What's wrong?"

"I have to find him." I sigh. I start walking until Bruce grabs my wrist.

"Jersey, you can't follow him anymore! He's going to destroy you!"

"Bruce please-"

"You can't keep giving him chances. He's just going to-"

"BRUCE!" I grab his arm so that he's looking at me. "I am going to look for him. I need to protect this city. I need to protect you! I need to save my brother from dying. I can't lose him Bruce, he's the only family member I have left."

"But what if he kills you?"

"He won't. I'm going to try to change him. Like I did with Jerome."

"Jersey, I don't want to bring you down. But you can't change Jeremiah. It's too late! Jerome was closer to you, which made it easier. Jeremiah left and turned against you! He's darker than he's been before. I can't risk him trying to hurt you again."

"I don't care how many times he hurts me. As long as I know he's safe. Look, I know I should forget about him. But I can't. I'm not strong like you Bruce. I don't just say no to people. I have to do this." He grabs my hands and holds them tight.

"Please be safe." He says.

"I will." I run away and search for Jeremiah. I know I should let him hide. But I can't. I lost one brother, I can't risk losing another. As much as I don't want to, I have to keep giving him chances. No matter how many times I get hurt. If I die, at least I die knowing that he got what he wanted. I look around the town and find nothing. I bump into a person and they tumble a little. "I'm so sorry!"

"Watch where you're going asshole!" I notice they have makeup on their face. That might be a follower of Jeremiah's! I slowly follow them to an abandoned building. The guy enters, and I follow him in. He starts mumbling to himself until he walks up to another guy. "You're pushing my men way too hard. We're not gonna break through for at least a couple more days. There is absolutely no way to make it on schedule." The other guy grabs a knife and slits his throat. I gasp and hide behind a machine.

"Well, not with that attitude, you're not." Why does that voice sound familiar? "Now... everyone... let's reach inside and dig... a little deeper, shall we? 'Cause that's the only way you're all making it out of this hole." I see the guy laugh and lick the knife. Gross. I look a little further and notice the guy has green hair.

"Jeremiah?" I say as I stand up. He turns around and he starts to grin.

"Jersey, I expected you to show up."

"What are you talking about-" I get electrocuted and fall to the ground.

"I knew you were going to be here. The only difference is you have no one to save you." He starts laughing while his workers grab me. Usually I'd fight back, but what's the point? I'd rather risk my life than put anyone else's in danger.

Hey everyone! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I am currently writing chapter 10 and let me tell ya, it gets pretty emotional. Maybe not a 'crying' type, but more of a 'wow' type thing. I'll try to post the next chapter soon, but I need to edit it a little bit more because it's mainly dialogue right now XD. Anyways, have a great day! Hope your summer is going well!

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