Chapter 22

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The next day, Jeremiah invites me to go with him and rob a bank. Ha! Now this should be fun! We stayed in an abandoned warehouse for the night. When the sun rose, we were up and ready to go.

"Ready for your first crime?" Jeremiah asks.

"Believe me, this hasn't been my first." I laugh.

"Perfect! You should be a pro at this then!" We both grab a gun and hide it in our pockets. Ecco unlocks the keys to the taxi we took. And off we go! We arrived at the bank in a few minutes. Jeremiah gets out right away and lets Ecco out.

"Alrighty, let's go get some money!" I say as we put masks on. We ran inside and put our guns up. Jeremiah throws a small bomb and everyone falls to the floor.

"Surprise! Now, we can make this simple by just giving us the money. Or we can go the hard way and see if anyone makes it out alive!" He chuckles.

"We're not giving you anything-" I interrupt the guy by shooting him in the head.

"Ugh! You all are so dumb! You can't just make it easy, can you?" Everyone stares at me with the most scared face.

"GCPD! Put your hands in the air!" A cop shouts. Jeremiah grabs Ecco and I and runs out.

"Ha! Those idiots can't catch us!" He chuckles. We run into an alley where no one can see us. We stop for a second to catch our breaths. "That was fun, wasn't it?"

"We could have been shot!" I shout.

"But that's the fun part! Because they can't catch us!"
"Jeremiah, I can't do this. I'm not risking my life like this!" I say.

"Why not? This is everything a Valeska would dream of! Even Jerome!"

"And how did that turn out? Oh wait, he died!" Before we could say another word, someone shouted from behind. "That's the cops. We need to go!"

"No we don't! They won't get us!" He pulls out his gun and points it at me.

"What are you doing??" I ask.

"If they see you dead, they won't pay attention to the criminals they're going after. Seems to me like a fair deal!" He laughs.

"You'd kill your own sister to avoid jail?" I ask as my voice cracks.

"This is Gotham. You either sacrifice someone else, or yourself. I think I'd rather take the safer path."

"After everything I did for you. And you want to
kill me?"

"What have you done for me?! All you ever do is leave me!" He shouts.

"I left to protect you! I didn't want anyone in the family or even the city to hurt you! And I knew I'd just bring them to you if I visited!" I yell as I tear up.

"Yet, Jerome was still the better brother to you?" He asks. I look down and say nothing. "Exactly. I mean, he's gone anyways. So why not see him again?" He smirks as he lifts his gun up to my head.

"Jeremiah. You're going to get caught eventually. So just put the gun down...." He ignores me and gets ready to pull the trigger. "God damn it, Jeremiah! Just drop the gun-"


I open my eyes after shutting them from the noise. Wait, I'm still alive? But how? I gasp as I look forward.

"No...." I whisper. I wasn't shot. Jeremiah was. He holds his stomach as he falls to the ground.

"Jeremiah! Please don't leave me! I'm sorry for everything!" But it was too late. He couldn't even say his last words. I scream as loud as I can as I give him a hug.

"Jersey!" I look up and see Jim. My body starts shaking as I begin crying. "Are you okay-"

"F-Fuck you Jim!" I yell
"I'm sorry, but he was going to-"

"Stay away from me! I hate you! And your stupid police department! You killed my fucking family!" I shout as I turn around and run off.

"Jersey!" He shouts. But I didn't look back. I just ran away. Away from the city that destroyed everything.

The city that took my family.

The city that destroyed the old me, and created the new me.

Like My Brothers |Jerome/Jeremiah Valeska| (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now