Chapter 18

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A/N: This is going to be a short chapter, mainly because it's filler and this was the only ideas I had down for the chapter itself!

10 years later....

I got to my last bullet as I shot a man in the chest. The lady gives me a hug as I hand her purse back.

"Thank you!" She says as she dries off her tears.

"Anytime." I say.

"This city will never get better, huh?"

"I hate to say it, but probably not ma'am. I'm sorry." I sigh.

"It's not your fault. I mean, my god, you guys have busted ass trying to save everybody. And it turns out, the criminals won't stop. I hope you know that the citizens do appreciate you all. Even if they don't show it enough."

"Thank you. We appreciate you all as well. Anyways, you should go back home. I don't want something to happen to you again."

"Right. Goodbye!" She runs off to her home as soon as possible. I sigh and sit down on the curb. I wish Bruce were back. Then things wouldn't be this way. I hear my name being called all of a sudden. I look up and see Jim running over to me.

"Is everything okay?" I ask.

"No, I need to head to Ace Chemicals." He says.

"Who's the criminal now?"

"I don't know. But they have my daughter."

"What?! Jim, I need to go with you-"

"No! I'm not letting you go in their again!"

"I'll be fine-"

"You already fell into the acid once! Next time, you might turn insane or even die! You're going back to the police department. If you try to get into here, you'll be fired! Understand?" Damn. I never saw Jim like this. I didn't think he'd care about a Valeska kid like this.

"Yes sir." I whisper. I drive back to the department and see Harvey standing by the entrance.

"There you are! I was worried you tried to sneak into the chemical place!" He says.

"I won't Harvey. I promise."

"Good. Jim doesn't want to lose anybody. Especially you. You've been through enough. Let's not add onto that." He signals for me to head inside. We sit there nervously as we wait for Jim to walk through those doors. Hopefully he'll be back soon. And with his kid still alive.

1 hour later....

After an hour of dozing off, Jim runs through the door to where we're at.

"Thank god you're okay! What happened?" I ask.

"A new criminal is in town. And he tried to throw my daughter in the acid."

"It's not-"

"No. No, it's not Jeremiah. Luckily, we got the criminal in Arkham right away."

"That's good." Harvey says. The news pops on all of a sudden on the t.v.

"Breaking news: A new person in a costume has arrived in this city. Is he a hero or a villain? Hopefully the police will find out soon!"

"Alright, I need some officers to volunteer and stop this guy. Who knows what he plans to do for this city. Jersey, Harvey and I will take the main streets. Everyone else will get their assignments in a few minutes. Find a partner and come to me when you're ready." Jim says. Police start scattering all over the place while Harvey and I wait for Jim. We try to keep looking up news sources about this weird guy. 

"I found a picture of him!" I say.

"Alright, let's see who this fucking psychopath is." Harvey says. I tap the picture and get a confused look on my face. What the hell is on my screen? Is that a guy dressed in black?

"Is he supposed to be a ninja or something?" I ask.

"No, wait. I think he's wearing some type of costume. Something to symbolize who he is." Harvey says. I zoom in closer and finally see what the costume looks like.

"What the hell?" Harvey asks.

"Who is that guy? And why the hell is he in a bat suit?" I ask. Great, another lunatic in the city. Just what we need.

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