Chapter 14

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"So, why did you decide to leave without telling us?" Our uncle asks.

"M-Mom said to leave, so we went to the orphanage-" Jerome says.

"And what happened? We got the cops called on us!"

"W-We're sorry." I say.

"It's too late for that. Now you're going to get what you deserve!" Two people grab me and pin me to the ground.

"Let me go!" I shout.

"Leave her alone!" Jerome shouts.

"Oh we won't hurt her like we will with you!" Our uncle says.

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't-"

"I don't want to hear it! This is what you get for getting rid of your brother!" He grabs a knife and walks towards Jerome.

"N-No! Stop! Don't!" I shout.

"You keep your mouth shut! Now, to get rid of you once and for all!"

"No! Please, don't-" He then slits Jerome's throat. "NOOOOOOO!!!" Our uncle and his henchman walk away. I run over to Jerome and see him struggle to survive. "No no no! You're going to be okay, Jerome! Don't die!"

"I-I'm sorry Jersey." Jerome whispers.

"Don't be! It's not your fault!"

"I-I love you."

"I-I love you too, Jerome." He then closes his eyes. "N-No, please. Don't leave me again. GOD DAMN IT!" I start to cry as I hold my brother in my arms. I notice Jeremiah standing right in front of me. "WHY DID YOU DO THIS?! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" He grabs me and pulls me up.

"I did this so that we could be close again! He's gone, Jersey! He'll never come back!" He shouts.

"I told you I'd be close!"

"But we've never been close ever since! This was the only way!"

"I've left you alone because I don't want to be like you!" I shout.

"Really? Because last time I checked, you are just like me."

"One mistake doesn't mean shit! And if you really want me to be close again, then you can't just keep hurting me like this. When will it ever be enough? When can you just admit you were wrong and stop trying to be someone you're not?" I ask.

"You just don't get it, do you?" He sighs. "I will do whatever it takes to be your brother again! I know I was wrong, but I learned from my mistakes and moved on. And this is the real me, Jersey." Before I say something, Bruce's parents start walking into the alley. Bruce runs out of the theater after a few minutes.

"Stop! Stop!" Bruce shouts. I try to stop them, but Ecco holds me back.

"That's far enough, Bruce." Jeremiah says.

"Jeremiah. You don't have to do this."

"But I... I do. You see, I-I came to this realization. I realized that no matter what I did to bond us, some random gunman in an alley would be the man who you were tied to the most. The man you saw when you closed your eyes." He looks at me and smiles. "And our brother would be the one who you looked up to all of the time. I want to be the star of the show! So if I can't have you as a brother bonded by love, and I can't be close to you ever again, then we'll just have to be bonded by hatred."

"And you think killing two people that look like my parents will do that? Or killing someone who looks like Jerome? It won't." Bruce says.

"Well, then it's a good thing I already put a bullet in both of their fraudulent skulls." He chuckles as Bruce gives him a confused look. I notice 'Jerome' showing up again out of nowhere. "Oh, you're confused. You're wondering if I already shot them, then who's this lovely couple? Thomas, Martha, and my dear brother...why don't you turn around?" They turn around and reveal people we know. Jim, Lee, and one of the Grayson's from the circus.

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