Chapter 6

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The next day, me and Bruce go to the hospital to visit Selina. Bruce starts to shake, so I hold his hand.

"It'll be okay. I promise." I say. He smiles back and we head in.

"Hi, may I help you?" A nurse asks.

"Hi, um, we're here to see Selina Kyle." Bruce says.

"Right down the hall and to your left."

"Thank you." We head down to her room. Bruce opens the door and we walk in.

"B-Bruce? Jersey?" Selina says quietly.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" Bruce asks.

"Fine I guess. Still feel everything."

"Do you know if you'll be able to walk?" I ask.

"They don't know yet. Hopefully I will."

"Well, I hope you feel better." I sigh. I put flowers next to her bed.


"Anytime-" My phone then rings. Jim's calling me, that's not good.

"Who is it?" Bruce asks.

"Umm, some friend from the circus. I'll be right back." I walk out of the room. I didn't want to lie to Bruce, but I didn't want him worrying about anything else. "Jim? Is everything okay?"

"No, I need you to come to the station."

"Okay? See you in a bit." I hang up and get ready to tell Bruce. I stop and realize that he'd be worried, so I left. I finally arrived at the police department. As I walk in, everyone looks at me. They start whispering to each other. Jim turns around and sighs.

"Thank god you're here. I don't think anyone could deal with him for another minute." Jim says.

"Deal with who?"

"Well, we're trying to figure out why your brother shot Selina. But he keeps saying how he plans to blow this city up. He'll only talk to you or Bruce about where the bombs are." 

"Why would he only want to talk to us?"

"I don't know. Maybe because he only trusts you two." He says. Of course he only trusts us!

"Okay, I'll go ask him." Jim takes me to the interrogation room. I enter the room and see Jeremiah tied up to a chair.

"Well, if it isn't my little sister. What brings you here?" He asks.

"Don't act dumb. You told the cops you wanted me here." I cross my arms.

"Oh, that's right. I'm surprised you came. I thought you'd forget about me, like you did with Jerome."

"I never forgot about him. I just refused to join him, like I did with you." I yell.

"And where did that get you?"

"What are you talking about?" I ask.

"Well after you refused, he died didn't he?" I give him a glare and he grins back.

"Where are the bombs?"

"Wow, you want to change subjects now?"

"Jeremiah, I'm fucking serious. Where are the bombs?" I yell.

"There are none."

"Then why waste my time? Why not tell the cops the truth?" I start walking away.

"Good point. Alright, I'll tell you the truth." I pause and turn around. "They're all over Gotham. And the only way you can stop them from exploding is if you deactivate it."

"How do I deactivate them if they're all over Gotham?"

"In my house, there is a button that deactivates all of them." I start walking closer until I meet him face to face.

"Why should I trust that this isn't just another trick?"

"Because I brought you here for a reason. To protect the citizens. Remember I told you that if you join me, I won't blow the city up?"

"But then why try to bring Bruce into this? You've ruined his life enough."

"I never ruined his life. I did this because I believe we are close friends. Speaking of Bruce, how is his friend doing?"

"Well, she might not be able to walk because of you!" I yell.

"To be honest, I never planned on hurting her."

"Then why did you?" I scoff.

"To bring us all closer together."

"You're crazy." I turn around and start walking away again.

"It's not me who is crazy."

"Yeah right."

"Just you wait, Jersey. One of these days, you'll see who you truly are." I pause and turn around again. He just doesn't give up does he?

"What are you talking about?" I ask.

"You'll see. Someday, everything will change. And you'll be just like your brothers." He starts to laugh as I walk out. I go over to Jim and Harvey.

"What did he say?" Harvey asks.

"He planted bombs everywhere. I have to go find the button that defuses them all." I start to walk until Jim stops me.

"Jersey, we got this." Jim says.

"No, you worry about Bruce and Jeremiah. I have to do this, otherwise he'll set them off." 

"What if it's a trick?"

"Then I'll at least know I tried to save the city. This city might still blow up, but I'll at least remember I wasn't evil like my brothers." I then leave the police station and go to Jeremiah's house. I enter his house and go to the room where he was reborn. I look around and finally find the button. I press the button and nothing happens. I keep pressing it until the lights shut off. I feel someone grab me and put handcuffs on me. The lights turn back on and the person disappears. What the hell is going on? I then hear laughing and look around. I notice a t.v has been turned on and it's Jeremiah.

"I guess I can lie to you about anything! You've fallen right into my trap. Don't worry though, you did defuse the bombs in the city." I sigh of relief. "But, you didn't defuse the bomb on the bridge. Now, you can watch and see the bridge blow into pieces. Oh, and one more thing. I know I said I wouldn't blow the bridge up if you joined. But, I think this city needs to be redone. And I can't have my sister leaving me now." He laughs again and the video stops. I don't know why I keep trusting him. But I do know one thing. This city is going to fall apart, and it's all because of me.

Hey everyone! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Okay, I promise I'm not trying to spoil anything. I'm just warning you that Jeremiah is going to be a lot darker in this than the show. Obviously, he'll be in this more than he was in Gotham. But he'll be more dark/evil/insane than some think. Just warning you now because it will get bad. Obviously not too bad to where you can't read it. It's just probably unexpected. Anyways, I don't want to explain it too much because I don't want to spoil or anything. Again, just wanted to tell you ahead of time. Have a great day!

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