Chapter 19

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"Alright, we need a group of officers looking out for this man!" Harvey yells.

"And don't think about harming this man!" Jim yells.

"Jim, what the hell are you doing?" He asks.

"We don't know if he's truly bad. Let's not kill an innocent man before seeing him face-to-face." Jim explains.

"But why would he dress up like that? I mean what kind of good guy dresses dark and only shows up at night?" I ask.

"I don't know. But this city changes all of the time. Maybe for once, it's a good change."

"Fine, find this man alive! But if he acts suspicious in any way, put a bullet through his head!" Harvey yells.

"I'll look for him." I say.

"No, you're getting your ass home." He says.

"Seriously? You let me join this team and I can't even look after a guy in a costume?"

"We don't know what he plans to do. And we're not letting you figure it out. It's too risky. If there is any other task, we will let you know. Until then, just go home. You've dealt with enough already these last few days." Jim says.

I sigh and nod my head before heading to my car. I start the car up and turn the radio on. I keep it on the Gotham News radio channel just to be safe. Unfortunately, I don't think this hell hole of a city will ever get better. So far, it just sounds like the weather and positive things.

I drove out of the police station and back to my apartment. I park in front of my apartment and get ready to turn the car off. All of a sudden, the breaking news alarm goes off.

"Breaking news! A recent inmate of the Arkham Asylum has escaped! We ask that everybody remain inside and lock your doors until the police find them! Again, an inmate from Arkham Asylum has escaped!"

Shit. That is not a good sign. I wonder who it is. Or better yet, how hard it is to catch them.

"Bruce, where are you when we need you?" I question. None of this would probably happen if he didn't disappear. It felt like the city was more sane when a billionaire lived there.

I unlock the door and then shut it right away. I lock the door and stay quiet for a few seconds, just to be safe. Silence. That's all I hear.

I sigh with relief and turn the light on. I reach for my phone to call Jim until a number pops up. It's Harvey. Okay, this is not good at all.

"Hello?" I say.

"Jersey, get in your apartment right now!" Harvey yells.

"Why? What's going on?" I ask.

"It's the inmate. You need to stay indoors until we catch him." He says.

"Why can't I go with you? I'm part of the GCPD too!" I yell.

"Because it's your brother Jersey!" Oh my gosh.

"I-It can't be. He's unconscious!"

"Well, he must have woken up! Go inside now!"

"Fine. Let me know when you find him. And don't hurt him!" I yell.

"We won't. Just please stay safe and lock your doors as soon as you get inside." He says.

"Will do. Bye." I hang up and make sure everything is locked or blocked. I get ready to hide inside of a room. That is, until a loud crash comes out of nowhere.

I open the door slowly and prepare for something bad to happen. I notice a broken decoration on the ground. Before I could see it more clearly, I hear a noise back in my apartment.

"Who's there?" I shout.

"It's me, your best friend." Someone whispers.

"I don't have any."

"That's not true. We did everything together, Jersey. I'm here to keep you safe from Jeremiah!"

"Alright, I don't know who the hell you are. But get the fuck out of my apartment!" I yell.

"I'm afraid I can't. Otherwise my boss would hurt me."

"Your boss can fuck off! Get out now!"

"Fine, I guess we'll have to say hello the hard way." A light turns on and all of a sudden, a girl stands there smiling.


"Hello Jersey." It was Ecco. Standing right in the middle of the living room. I'm screwed.

"What the hell-" Before I could do anything, someone came from behind and put their hand over my mouth.

"Did you miss me?" They ask as they laugh like crazy.

Like My Brothers |Jerome/Jeremiah Valeska| (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now