Part 29

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(Lucas' POV)

I screamed out your name when the car hit you. You fell and you hit your head really hard.

I saw you bleeding as the car stopped and the driver went out.

I ran to you and blood was everywhere.

"What the heck did you do?!" I yelled

Water started coming out of my eyes as I held your hand. The driver picked you up and he put you at the backseat of his car and I went there too.

We went to the hospital and we carefully laid you down on the hospital bed. The nurse took you to the emergency room while I waited.

I grabbed your bag and decided to call your parents.

I saw that there was one missed call...from Greyson...he called before the accident happened.

It's all because of's he's fault.

I ran my fingers through my hair and dialled your Dad's number.

"Hello? _____?"

"'s Lucas..." I said

"Oh, hey Lucas...where's _____?" he asked

"She..." I paused, holding back some tears. "She got hit by a car...and we're in the hospital right now and you need to come here quickly."

He didn't talk for a minute but he said, "I'll be there." then he hanged up.

After a few minutes of waiting and praying, the doctor came out and asked me if I was with you.

I nodded and waited for him to speak.

"Well, she's fine now...but it might take a while for her to wake up. She did hit her head very hard." he explained

"But when is she going to wake up?" I asked

"We still don't know..let's just pray for her.." he said as he left.

I went inside the room and and saw you lying on the bed. There was a bandage around your head and you were sleeping peacefully.

I keep telling everyone that I moved on...but no...I didn' might confuse everyone but I still love you.

I grabbed a chair and put it next to your bed. I sat down and carefully held your hand.

Your Dad came with a worried face and quickly went to you.

"How is she?" he asked

"She's fine now..." I said

Aunt Claire and Courtney came in and sat down on the couch.

Aunt Claire began crying silently and your Dad was comforting her.


It's been a week since the accident. You're still not awake yet... Your Dad went with Courtney to buy some food and Aunt Claire was sleeping on the couch.

Greyson, on the other hand, called yesterday. But I didn't answer.

You started moving around and I quickly went to you.

I held your hand and you slowly fluttered your eyes.

"Aunt Claire!!" I yelled

She stood up and went to you.

"Sweetie...I'm so glad you're awake now..." she said with tears in her eyes

You looked at her and said, "Who are you?"

"Wh-what do yo mean? You don't know her?" I asked

You shook your head and said, "I don't know both of you...I-i don't know my own name..."

"I'll call the doctor...." Aunt Claire said as she left the room.

"How can you not remeber me? I'm Lucas..."

"I told you, I don't remember anything..." you quietly said

The doctor came in and checked on you.

"She has amnesia..." the doctor said

"She'll have her memory back right?" I asked

"Probably...probably not..." he said

He talked to Aunt Claire outside of the room.

"So, what's my name?" you asked

"Your name is _____" I said

"Please tell me everything about me..." you pleaded.

"Well, that lady is your step-mom...she's really nice to you...your real mom is in China. Courtney is your older sister" I said

"But..where's my Dad?"

"He's just buying food..." I said

"Do I have any...uh...boyfriends from the past?" you asked

Should I tell her about Greyson? If I tell her, that'a not gonna help her because first of all, it was Greyson's fault. Second, Greyson's too far away for her.

"Yeah...I'm your boyfriend.." I lied

This is my chance to be in a relationship with you.

"Really? I'm sorry if I don't know your name..." you said

"No name is Lucas..." I said as I smiled

You smiled and nodded.

I just hope you won't remember anything from your past...


(Your POV)

I don't know if I should believe in Lucas...well, he knows everything about me but I just don't feel that he's the one the I really love...

I don't know what's the truth..

"_____, you're finally going home now..." Lucas said

I faked a smile and nodded.

The nurse helped me out and I went to the washroom to change my clothes.

I put my shirt on and some jeans and went out.

Lucas grabbed my hand and my Mom, carried my bags.

I saw a man smiling at me.

"Oh there she is... ______, I'm so happy you're okay now..." the man said

I bet he's my...Dad..

I smiled and hugged him.

"Little sister!!!" someone yelled and hugging me from the back.

This is probably Courtney...

"Hi..." I quietly said

We walked to the car and went home.

When the car stopped, I was shocked. Gosh, our house is pretty huge...

"Welcome home sweetie..." Dad said

We went inside and it was more beautiful inside.


I'M SORRY IF I DIDN'T UPDATE LAST FRIDAY!!!!!!!! I was too busy!!!! I'm sorry....


And,,in your opinion...should I delete this story???



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