Part 7

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(Lucas' POV)

Summer just started and it's really boring... Everyday, I will go to the park so that maybe i could see but you weren't there.

"Dad!! Where are we going this summer?" I asked

"Lucas, me and your Dad are both about you and Louis go to camp this summer.. I found a poster outside and the camp starts tomorrow until July 29. Do you wanna go?" Mom asked.

"Sure!!! Thank you!!!" I said as I ran upstairs and packed my stuff.

"Louis!!!" I yelled


"Are you gonna go to camp with me this summer?" I asked

"Yeah, sure. I'll be your chaperone.." he said

"Okay..." I said

We finished packing our stuff and went to sleep.


We went to our car and went to the bus terminal.

"Okay you two, be careful alright?" Mom said

"Alright Mom..." Louis said

"Louis, take care about your brother okay?" Dad asked

"Yes Dad..." he said

We went outisde of the car and said our goodbyes then they left. We waited for the bus for like 10 minutes..

"So...who's ______?" he asked

"A friend"

"Oh really? Then why were you saying her name while you were sleeping?" he asked

"I don't know..oh look! The bus is here!!" I said, changing the topic.

We went inside the bus and took our seats.

After 2 hours, we were in Mt. Bennett. Our captain's name is Carla Martin. She gave us our cabin numbers and keys. After that, we went to our cabin and took a rest.

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