Part 40

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(Your POV)

I woke up with the sound of snoring.


I scratched my eyes and looked around the room.

Alexa's not here....

I looked on my side and saw Greyson sleeping.

Yup, he's the one who's snoring...really loud.

Was he really that tired?

Oh well, I think I shouldn't wake him up...

I stood up and went outside.

"Morning everyone" I said

"Good morning ______" Aunt Lisa said as she smiled

"Greyson slept in my room" Alexa said

I smiled and said, "Maybe he couldn't sleep..."

"Sure..." she said

Greyson came and said, "Good morning"

We ate breakfast and I went to my room to pack my clothes since I'm going home after this.


When the concert was done, we went to the airport to fly back to London.

3 or 6 hours later, i don't know... I didn't count the time, we were in London, my current home... 

"I'll see you soon then..." I said, facing Greyson.

"I'll call you when I'm there okay?" he asked, holding my hand.

I hugged him tightly and held back my tears. I'm gonna miss him so much... I'm thankful that I had a little time with him. I just love him too much.

He kissed me one last time and smiled at me. 

I said goodbye to everyone and they all went to the waiting area.

"I love you.." he said

"I love you too.." I said, secretly wiping my tears.

He kissed me again and we hugged a couple of times.

We saw cameras flashing and I knew, he has to go...

He smiled at me and whispered 'i love you' and he went off.

I saw Courtney wating by the car as she waved at me.

"Hey little sis!!! i missed you so much!" She said, hugging me

"I missed you too" I said, smiling at her

"How's Dad?" I asked, putting my luggage in the trunk

"Well, he's okay now but he's still in the hospital..." she said

We went to our house first then to the hospital.

I saw my Dad peacefully sleeping on a hospital bed.

I started tearing up... I don't want to see my dad like this... I'm scared that soon enough, he'll be gone..

Courtney told me that he has colon cancer. 

I keep asking myself why is this happening to me... everything is like all messed up.. I don't want to lose my dad. 

After 3 hours, my dad woke up..

"Dad..." I said, holding his hand

He opened his eyes and he smiled.

"What are you doing here? Aren't you suppose to be on tour with Greyson?" he asked

"No... I came back..." I said as I hugged him.

I swore to myself that I will take care of him.

"You didn't have to sweetheart..." he said

"I have to Dad..." I said as I puffed his pillow.

"Thank you..." he said as he smiled.

Me and Courtney took care of him for days, weeks, and months.

Every month, he will be thin or he will lose his hair...

Sometimes, his stomach will hurt and I will get hurt from the inside because I'm seeing all of this...

I told Greyson about everything but he couldn't do anything... He was sad about me and I can't do anything about it...

My Dad became weaker...and weaker... and the doctor told us something that I didn't wanted to hear.

"I'm sorry but his cancer keeps getting worse... I'm afraid that his days are counted..." the Doctor said

"What? But what about his medicines? You can't just give up on him!" I snapped

"i'm sorry... but we can't do anything... We just need to wait..." he said

"We're gonna wait until he dies?!? Are you even a doctor?!" I yelled

He looked down and said his sorry and walked away.

Doctors.... ugh. 


This is one fast chapter.... Sorry for this one...and sorry if it's late.... 

Okay, so I'm still trying my best to upload.... but I hope you enjoyed this one... :D 

My One True Love (Greyson Chance FanFic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz