Part 34

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(Lucas' POV)

I was slapped by your small hands and the next thing I know is that I was dragged by Courtney and some guy that I don't even know.

"Let go you lunatic!" I yelled

"Shut up." she said



She put me in the backseat of the car and she put my seatbelt on.

Se went inside with the dude and we drove away.

"You do realize that this is kidnapping right?" I asked

"No...we're just going to your house and tell your parents what you did." Courtney said

"Who's the dude?" I asked again

"None of your business." she said

"Zach, lock the doors." Courtney said

'Zach' locked the car doors and I just sighed.

Wait... I jut realized something...

You remembered go your memories back.. This is not good.

I took the seatbelt off and said, "Stop the car. Now."

"No." Courtney said

"I said stop the car. I'm going to ______" I said

"Why? So you can lie to her again?" she asked

"What are you talking about? Why would I lie to her?" I asked and yes, I was lying.

"For crying out loud, Lucas! Stop pretending that you don't know anything!" she yelled

"Courtney...calm down...." Zach whispered to her.

She sighed and I said, "Listen to him Courtney..."

"You know what, that's it." she said

She took her seatbelt off and went to the backseat of the car.

"K. You better stop talking or I'll punch you." she threatened.

"Wow...that's so scary..." I mocked

She punched me hard on my shoulder.

Okay, that really hurt.

"That was just a warning." she said.

How can you live with her? She's so mean, rude and very scary.

The car finally stopped and we went out.

I saw Vincent playing with his phone in front of my house.

"Vincent, what the hell are doing here?" I asked

He looked at me then Courtney then Zach.

"I was bored so yeah" he said

He is really stupid.

Zach knocked on the door and Dad opened it.

Dad had a surprised look on his face and said, "Where have you been? You were grounded for like a week!"

Yes, I was grounded and I sneaked out of the house.

"Your son lied to our entire family." Courtney said

"What?!?" he roared

When Dad's's not good.

He dragged me inside the house and yelled at me.

Mom came and tried him to stop yelling.

"Why would you do that Lucas? Lying to our family friend? Who taught you to lie?" he asked in a very loud voice

My One True Love (Greyson Chance FanFic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora