Part 28

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(Your POV)

"Alright Greyson...I'll be okay...don't worry" I said though my phone

He was worrying about me because he heard that some girl got a killed by a man and it happened here in London and Greyson was giving a lecture about being careful. I can't blame him...he's just being sweet and nice and protective...

"Okay but when you're walking home, make sure someone is with you. Don't walk alone. Got it?" he asked

"Yes Dad, I understand..." I chuckled.

He acts like a parent sometimes...

"Greyson, I need to go to school now...."

"Okay careful...bye sweetie! I love you!!!" he said though the phone

I giggled and said, "I love you too..."

"Bye bye..." he said as he hanged up.

I grabbed my bag and went to school.

My Dad came home and my sister is finally home too...

Everything is so different right now...Lucas said sorry, his friend "Vincent" is really...whats the word? Weird. Well, sometimes...but we're friends..

"_____!!!!" someone yelled from behind me

Lucas and Vincent.

"Hey guys...what's up?" I asked as I smiled

"The sky!!!" Vincent quickly yelled

See what I mean? Weird right?

"So, I heard that you and Emily are having a project in Art...what is it?" Lucas asked

"We have to make this gigantic candy!!!" I proclaimed.

"We're doing that too!!!!" Vincent yelled.

"Lucas, why is he yelling?" I asked

He said, "I have no idea.."

We walked to school together and we were a bit early.

"______" Vincent softly said


"Do you like me as a friend?" he asked

"Sure, I like you as a friend" I said.

I cleared my throat and awkwardly walked away.

I went inside the school and went to my locker.

I grabbed my books and put my bag inside and since I'm early, I decided to go to the library.

Our library is the best place in the school....It has all the books literally...

I took out "The Chronicles of Narnia: The Magician's Nephew" and "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone". Yes, I love Narnia and Harry Potter. 

"Hey _____, why so early today?" Emily said as she tapped my shoulder.

"Oh I thought I was late but I was early so here I am, borrowing some books.." I explained

She grabbed one of my books and said, "Really? Narnia? Harry Potter?" 

"What? I love them..." I softly said

She just rolled her eyes at me and said, "Well, I say we go to the park and wait until the bell rings.." 

"Okay, i'll just put this in our locker.." 

As soon as I put my books in the locker, me and Emily went to the park near the school. Mostly kids come here just to hang out or do random stuff.

"Do you know that Vincent guy?" Emily asked

I nodded and said, "What about him?"

"He seems he okay?" 

"I guess so.." 

We talked for a couple of minutes and when the bell rang, we went inside.

Today was really's always the same, every single day. You go to this boring class which is Computers and I don't get why people like it. We can't even listen to music just like last year...we just work...and it sucks..

The only thing that I like is, Math, Science, English, Music, Art, probably P.E. 

Finally, this day was over. Lucas is walking me home but I need to go to the store and buy some sugar.

"Lucas, I'll just go to the can wait here.." i said

He nodded and smiled.

I was crossing the street until my phone started ringing. I tried to reach it but it was behind my backpack and I can't reach it. 

Out of a sudden, a car hit me. I heard someone screamed out my name. I fell on my knees and hit my head on the ground and all I can see was darkness. 


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