Part 39

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(Greyson's POV)

The tour was really fun and somehow romantic cause you're here with me.

We're in a restaurant right now... I just finished my concert and you're outside, talking to your Courtney.

"Are you gonna marry her?" Michael asked

My mom looked at me and waited for me to answer.

" uhm..." I said in a low voice

"Of course I will!" I said, happily

My mom smiled and continued eating her food.

We're too young to get married.......but in the future, we'll get married.

"What did I miss?" you asked, sitting on your chair beside me.

"I asked him if he's gonna marry you" Michael said

You smiled and blushed and said, "Okay..."

We continued eating our food and after paying the bill, we went to the hotel.

Did I mention Alexa came with us?

Yup, she's here.

"Okay, ______ is gonna sleep in my room" Alexa said, grabbing your hand.

"Why...?" I asked

Then I thought about it....

"Okay... Never mind" I said

You giggled and grabbed your stuff and put them in Alexa's room.

Guess I'm sleeping alone...unless I'm going to Alexa's room..


Alexa went to her room and listened to music while Mom is talking to Dad and Michael is playing his guitar.

And you, you were watching tv.

"Hey" I said, sitting down beside you.

"Hey..." you said as you smiled

"What's wrong?" I asked, putting my arm around you

"Nothing... I'm just..oh never mind..." you said, looking down

I held you chin carefully and lifted your head so you can look at me.

"Tell me...please? What's wrong?" I asked, again.

I became worried cause your eyes started to get all watery.

"It's dad..." you said softly.

I hugged you tightly and heard you crying.

"Shh...don't cry.." I said, kissing your forehead.

I'm scared to ask what happened to him cause you might even cry more.

You stopped crying but I kept comforting you.

"Do you need water?" I asked

You nodded a little while wiping your tears.

I went to the kitchen to get a glass of water.

I gave it to you and you drank it slowly.

"You're okay now?" I asked

You nodded and said, "Thanks Grey..."

I hugged you tightly again and said, "Anytime... Just tell me when you have a problem okay?"

You nodded and half smiled.

"Go get some rest okay?" I asked

"Alright..." you said

I kissed your cheek and we said our goodnights.


(Your POV)

After talking to Courtney and heard about the bad news, I felt like I want to go back...

My dad...has cancer...

And I'm scared that I know that he's gonna be gone soon...

I'm scared that Greyson will know because it might affect his touring.

I couldn't sleep right now... I was too stressed out.

Alexa was sleeping and I'm sure everyone is asleep including Greyson.

I grabbed my coat and went outside to get some air.

I was about to open the door when Greyson held my hand.

"Where are you going?" he asked

"Going outside..." I said

"Do you want me to come with you?" he asked

"Sure..." I said

He grabbed his jacket and we went outside.

"______, is there something you're hiding from me?" he asked

Oh no.

"No...nothing..." I said

"______ come on, we both know that you're hiding something from me" he said

"I just want to go back home..." I said

"Why?" he asked

I wanted to cry but I said, "Greyson, I found out that my dad has cancer... I didn't want to tell you about it cause your tour might get affected and I don't want that to happen"

He stayed quiet but he was shocked.

That time, I cried.

I put my hands on my face, hiding my face from him.

I sat on the bench and cried.

I felt Greyson sat beside me and hugged me.

"I'm so sorry..." he said

I looked up and wiped my tears.

"If you want to go home then you can... I'm okay with it..." he said

I looked at him and said, "Greyson, we're in California right now and I live in London"

"I'll get you a plane ticket okay?" he asked

"But what about you?" I asked

"I'll be fine... We can talk all night or all day if we have to" he said

I hugged him and stayed in his arms.

We stayed for outside for a little while then we went inside.

We sat on the couch and stayed there.

"When we're gonna leave California... We're gonna go to London first then I'm gonna go to France..." he said

"Okay... Greyson, I'm really sorry if I have to-"

"______ it's okay, I understand" he said, kissing my cheek.

I smiled and said, "Thank you Greyson..."

He smiled and held my hand.

"You need to take a rest now..." he said

"But I'm not yet tired..." I whined

" need to sleep now..." he said, picking me up, bridal style.

I giggled and said, "No need to carry me..."

"No, you need some sleep" he said, opening Alexa's door.

Good thing she's asleep...

He laid me down on the bed and kissed me.

I pulled away and said, "Goodnight..."

"Goodnight angel..." he said, kissing my forehead.

"I love you..." I said

"I love you too sweetheart" he said

He smiled and left the room.


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