Part 13

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(Lucas' POV)

I'm so bored today...there's nothing to do.. I also know that you're with Greyson and I got really jealous.. It's really normal for me to be jealous..I mean, I like you, a lot and I will do anything to have you in my arms.

"Lucas, do you wanna to a party?" Louis asked

"Sure, but where?" I asked

"To Fred's house...don't worry, I already asked Mom and she said yes." 

"Okay...give me 5 minutes to change.." I said

I went to my room and changed into a blue shirt, jeans and slippers. 

It's like 7 in the morning...that party must be pretty early..

I went downstairs and saw Louis sitting on the sofa, waiting for me.

"Let's go?" i asked

"Yeah.." he said as he stood up.

We went outside of the house and after a couple of blocks, we were there.

He knocked on the door and some really tall guy opened it.

"Hey Louis! Who's the kid?" he asked

"The kid has a name." I snapped

"Which is?" he asked

"Lucas." I said

"Cool, so Louis, come in!" he said

We went inside and sat on the couch. There's no one there except for me, Louis, and the tall guy.

"Oh, I'm Fred by the way.." he said

Fred...why didn't I think of that? 

"Cool.." I said

"So,'s life going?" he asked

"You know..good.." I said

"Can i go to the washroom?" Louis asked

"Yeah sure...End of the hallway.." he said

Louis got up and left us.

This is awkward cause I'm alone with someone I just met..

" you have a girlfriend?" he asked

"Not yet but I'm courting someone.." I said as I smiled

"Really? Who is she?" he asked

"Her name is ______. She's really nice and cute.." I said

"Oh her! I know her!" he said

"Really? How?" i asked

"She was first place on a spelling contest...she was really good!!" he said

"I didn't know that but thanks for telling.." I said

"Do you want her to come over?" he asked

"I don't think so...I think she's studying.." I said

"So? It's just one a man dude!" he said

I thought about it and said, "Okay..." 

I went outside of the house and I can't believe I'm doing this... 

Should I force you?

I saw you outside, on your way to Greyson's house. Oh no you don''re coming with me..

I ran towards you and you saw me.

"Hey Lucas..what's up?" you asked

"Let's go to a party...and let's have fun..." I said

"No..thanks..I'm going to study with-"

"Greyson? Yeah, I'm the one who's courting you and you act like your his girlfriend." i snapped

"We're bestfreinds...we always do everything together.." you said

"Well, what's the point of courting you?" I asked

"Lucas, we're just bestfriends. You're not the boss of me and don't tell me what to do.. we're not even dating.." you said as you walked away

I grabbed your arm and I said, "We will." 

"If you're acting like that, they you won't have a chance!" you yelled

Good thing, no one is here...

Everyone knows that I'm always angry but I'm controlling them..

You started screaming and crying as I dragged you to go with me.


Greyson grabbed my shoulder and said, "What do you think you're doing?" 

Isn't obvious? 

I told him that we're going to a party...

He refused because you were crying and screaming..

I punched him and I've been punching my enemies since Grade 4. Yup, I'm a bad boy sometimes but I'm nice.

He punched me and it was really hard, that I fell. I let go of you because that punch was really hard..

I stood up and said that he will pay for that and walked away.

No one EVER punched me.... I went inside Fred's house..

"So, how was- Whoa dude, what's up with the face?" he asked

"Got punched by her bestfriend..." I said

I'm so mad at him...and you too.. I don't know why I'm the bad guy here... Greyson is supposed to be the bad guy!

"Okay, you go home.. now." Louis said

"Okay." I said as I left the house and walked to my house.

I went inside and just went up to my room..

I feel bad for making you cry like that but when you said that I don't have a chance? I flipped. I want to be with you. I maybe be crazy and possessive but I really like you..I just need to wait until we're 15 then you will be mine.. or 16? probably 18...


I heard the doorbell rang and I opened it.

"Hey Ted.." I said

"Why in the world would you punch Greyson like that?!?" he yelled

"Cause I hate him. Goodbye now." I said as I slammed the door on his face.

I know...I'm in a bad mood, that's why..people think I'm rude but when I'm with you...I'm not rude, mean, or anything..

I went to the kitchen and just cooked some porkchops.. Mom and Dad are at work and Louis is still at the party...

"_____, you will be mine someday..." I whispered to myself. Possessive much? Yup. 

All I need to do now is to make you and Greyson to be not friends anymore...but how will I do that? It's pretty hard cause you two are bestfriends...


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