Part 3

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(Your POV)

June 23, 2008

Finally!!! One more week until summer!! I just knew that we're going to London this summer...and i'm really excited about it!! Unfortunately, Greyson won't come...but we promise each other that we will talk through Skype everynight. You might think that we're dating but no. Again, it's just a friend thing...

Okay, afterschool, I'm going to clean my locker...but first, I still need to finish this painting...

"Ms.B? Do you think my painting is done?" I asked as I showed her my painting.

"Oh my goodness...this is beautiful!! Well done!! You can go home now..." she said as she smiled at me.

"Thanks Ms. B..." I said as I grabbed my bag and went to my locker.

I saw a few students walking through the halls..They're suppose to be in class!! Oh well, I better clean my locker.

I opened my locker and everything is a mess. I'm always in a hurry locker is always messy..

I organized and cleaned everything in my locker and i found a lot of pencils...

I closed my locker and went to the washroom..and guess who I found there..

Lexi with her friends...oh great..

"Look who's here..." Lexi said.

Ugh..I hate this washroom. Note to self, never come to this place again..

"Hey Lexi.." i said.

"Where's your boyfriend? Did he ditch you?" Lexi asked.

"First of all, he's not my boyfriend and second of all, he didn't ditch.." I snapped.

"Well, where is he?" she asked.

"Not of your business.."

"Oh, so you're telling me, it's not of my business? Please, it's my business since i'm the most popular girl in school and you're the biggest loser. You and your friends.." she said.

"Never mention my friends in this conversation, Lexi.." i said.

"Are you ordering me? Wow. You are the biggest fact, you're even bigger than your boyfriend." she said.


"Could just stop it?" i asked as I walked through the door until she grabbed my arm.

"Listen, I will never stop torturing you until you will get on your knees and kiss my shoe. Got it?" she warned.

"Get this..I will never get on my knees and kiss your get that in that little head of yours.." I said as i pulled away and walked out of the washroom.

I saw Greyson and Ted talking while Tara is reading her book.

"There you are! We've been looking you? Where were you?" Greyson asked.

"Sorry, ____. He's just concerned about you.." Ted said.

"Just had a conversation with Lexi in the washroom.." I said.

"What did she say? What did she do?" Greyson asked.

"Well, she threatened me and she said that she will never stop until I get on my knees and kiss her foot.." I said.

"Are you serious? Where is she? She has no right to do that to my bestfriend!" Greyson said. He was really mad..he's face is red..

"Greyson..calm down..i'm fine.." i said.

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