Part 25

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(Greyson's POV)

I woke up with you on my side, sleeping like a very peaceful angel..

I looked at the clock and it was like 6 am.

I almost forgot...I need to go to an interview today then leave...tomorrow.

I sighed and got up and went to the washroom to wash my face.

Then, I went to the kitchen and saw everyone..

"Good morning everyone!!" I said with a smile on my face

"Hi Greyson! You need to take a shower then we need to leave quickly..." Staci said

"Okay but what about ______?" I asked

"She can come with us..." she said

I nodded and went to the washroom to take a shower.

After that, I changed my clothes and put my shoes on.

I went to "our" room to wake you up.

You were still sleeping and you look pale..

I came closer to you and touched your forehead.

You're so warm...oh no..

"______....are you okay?" I whispered

"yes...." you mumbled "but i don't know how to say it to Greyson..." you added softly with your eyes close

Tell me what?

"_____ what are you gonna say sweetie?" i whispered

You groaned and whispered "That I'm sick....very sick..."

I kissed your forehead and said, "I think you need a rest...i'll come back soon okay?"

You lightly nodded and continued sleeping

I lightly pressed my lips to yours and I grabbed a note and pen and quickly wrote "I'll be back soon sweetheart... I'll bring you some medicines okay? Love you!!"

I put the note on the side table and kissed your forehead.

A small smile formed on your lips but you were still sleeping. I walked out of the room and told Staci that you can't come.

She nodded and we went to the interview and went to do to the interview.

After a few minutes of driving, we were in building and we went inside a room.

"Hi Greyson! It's finally nice to meet ca call me John!!" a guy said

He must be the interviewer..

"Hello! It's nice to meet you too!!!" I said, smiling

We sat down by the couch and the other guy fixed the camera.

"Okay...3..2..1.." the guy said

"What's up everyone?! I'm here with our wonderful, Greyson Chance!" he said, clapping his hands.

"Hi eveybody!!" I said, waving and smiling at the camera.

"So, Greyson how's your visit here in London?" John asked

"Oh you know, it's been really great.. I performed my songs and it was really fun coming to London!" I said

"I see...we heard that you told the public that you have a did your fans react to that?" he asked

"The fans been really supportive..I mean, they're so loyal and I'm really happy about it" I said, smiling

"Tell us about your girlfriend, Greyson..I'm sre your fans would love to know some stuff about how you two met and stuff" he said as he smiled

I giggled and said, "Well, her name is _______. We've been friends since we were kids..and we were bestfriends at that time. Then, she moved here but we still keep our relarionship strong.."

"That's really sweet...where is she by the way?" he asked

"She's at home right now...resting. She's been sick since yesterday..." I said

"Well i hope she will be fine soon..." he said

"Thank you.." I said as I smiled

"'re living tomorrow?" he asked

"Sadly, yes..i have to leave tomorrow and go to another country and perform there but I promised everyone that I will be back.." I said

He smiled and said, "Well, I hope you get a good flight and do you want to say something to your fans in London?"

I nodded and said, "Hey guys! Thank you all so much for your love and support! Even though, I have a girfriend, all of you still support me and I will always love you all!!! And I will come back for sure to perform some new songs for you guys! Thank you so much and I'll see you soon!" I said, smiling

"Thank you Greyson..." John said, shaking my hand

"and..cut..." the guy said

"Thank you for your time Greyson!" John said

"Thank you! I really appreciate it!" I said as I smiled

"I'll see you soon!!" he said, grabbing his stuff.

"Bye!!!!" I said

"Well...let's go to the store and buy some medicines for ____..." I said

I went outside with my crew and quickly went to the store.

After buying some medicines, we went back to the hotel and I quickly went to "our" room.

I just love saying "our" room...

You were still sleeping and it's like 8 am..

I put the medicines on the side table and held your hand.

Well, at least you're not warm anymore..

I kissed your forehead very lightly and saw your eyes fluttered open.

You smiled and I said, "Good morning sweetheart..."

"Morning sweetie..." you said

"Are you still sick?" I asked, sitting beside you

"I'm not...sick.." you quietly said

"Yeah you are,,you had a fever earlier when I left.." I said

"You left? Where did you go?" you asked

"I went to an interview..." I said

"Okay..." you said as you smiled

"Aren't you suppose to be in school today?" I asked

"Oh, we don't have school's report card day..." you said

"And I'm scared..." you added

"Why would you be scared? It's just report cards.." i said

"Still..what if I'm going to get a D or worse...F..." you said

"You won't get thse're smart.." I said, kissing your cheek

You smiled and said "Thanks Greyson..."

"How about we go on a date?" I asked

"Okay but this time, it's my treat." you said

"Nope, I asked didn't ask me for a date..." I said

You just smiled and said, "Fine.."

I giggled and kissed your forehead.

This is gonna be a good day....


Next Chapter...would be...


Thanks for reading everyone!!! <3

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