Part 23

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(Greyson's POV)

I'm really happy that I came to London to see you!!!! and also perform... After telling everyone our relationship, I felt great.

"Congratulations Greyson! You finally told them!" Staci said

I smiled and said, "Thanks Staci!!"

"Oh Greyson, I'm so proud of you.." Mom said, hugging me...almost squishing me...

"Thanks Mom..." I said, hugging her

She pulled away and kissed my forehead..

Everyone's happy and everything's fine.

I went to my room and took a rest, well actually, I wasn't sleeping at all..I was just closing my eyes.

I grabbed my phone and I smiled.

My wallpaper is a picture of you and me smiling at each other and I really love this picture...

It's like 1 am and I'm still not tired. I sighed to myself and closed my eyes.


Morning came and I had a pretty good morning.

I went to the kitchen and said, "GOOD MORNING EVERYONE!!"

"Good morning to you too.." Mom said

I looked at the clock and it was 6:30...I still need to go to your house..

I quickly went to the washroom, took a quick shower, brushed my teeth, changed my clothes and went to the kitchen again..

I grabbed a a fruit tart and put my shoes on.

"Greyson, you forgot about your phone..." Staci said

"Thanks Staci..." I said, grabbing my phone from the table 

 "Do we need to drive you?" she asked

"No, thanks... I'll just walk.." I said

"Bye everyone!!!" I said, going outside.

I put my hood and my shades on and started walking.

Someone yelled my name out, I turned and saw you running towards me.

You grabbed my hand and the next thing I know, we started running.

We went behind the bushes and hid there.

"Why were we running?" I asked

"The paparazzi was chasing me earlier then I saw you then yeah..." you said

"You don't have school today?" I asked

"Nope, I finished all my work so my teacher told me not to go to school today"

"That's great! Come on.." I said, taking your hand

"Where are we going?"

"Running from the paparazzi..." I said, smiling

"What? You mean, you want them to chase us?" you asked

I nodded and said, "Com on, It'll be fun.."

You stood up and said, "Are you sure about this?" 

I kissed your cheek and said, "I'm sure about, let's go.."

I looked out if they were there..luckily, they weren't.

We slowly walked out of the bushes and started running.

We saw cameras flashing behind us as we started running faster. 

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