Part 20

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This is the present is when Greyson got discovered and he became famous.... enjoy!!! (: <3

After 4 years....

(Greyson's POV)

Here I am, in the studio, writing songs for my new album. I miss you so much...this past few years, our realtionship became stronger than ever. When i told you that Ellen saw my video singing Paparazzi, you became more supportive. You were always there for me..

"Greyson, someone wants to talk to you.." Staci said

"Okay.." I said, standing up.

We went outside and saw a girl.

Could it be you?

The girl turned around and it was..Lexi.

"Hi Lexi..what are you doing here?" I asked

"Hi Greyson...i just wanted to give this to you..." she said, giving me a box.

" you wanna go inside?" I asked

"Sure.." she said

We went inside and sat down.

"How's your school?" i asked

"It's good...I became a cheerleader again.." she said

"That's great.." I said

"We have a school dance this weekend, do you wanna come?" she asked

Me? Going to a schooldance with her? Uh..

"School Dance? I'll..think about it..." I said

"Great..Pick me up okay?" she said as she smiled, giving me a small paper.

She hugged me and left.

Well, that was..weird..

I opened my laptop and luckily, you were online.

"Hi _____, how are you? Can I ask you something? Love you!!" I typed

I hit send and waited for you to respond..

"Hi Grey!! I'm fine.. and go ahead..what's it about?" you replied

"Can we do a video chat first?" I responded

"Sure" you replied

I sent you a request for video chat and you answered it.

"Hi Greyson!!" you said, waving to me

"Hi sweetheart!!" I said as I waved back to you.

You smiled and said, "So..what are you gonna ask me?"

"Uh..Lexi came here a few minutes ago.." I said


"She asked me if I could be her date on their school dance and I wanted to say no..but I can't just do that..I mean, I said I'll think about it but I'm gonna ask you first and-"

"Greyson, it's can go.." you said, cutting me off

"I can? but.."

"Greyson, I trust you and I know you won't cheat on me but thank you for telling me though.."

"Are you sure?" I asked

"Yes, I'm sure..." you said

I smiled and nodded

"So, how's your song?" you asked

"It's pretty good..." I said, smiling

"Can i please know the title of it?" you asked

"Nope, it's gonna be a surprise.." I said

You giggled and said, "you always say that.."

"i know but you always love it when you hear it..." I said

"Of course I will.. I love all of your songs.." you said as you smiled

I looked at the time and it's almost noon. I still need to finish one more song...

"______ I'm sorry but I need to go now...I need to write one more song..." I said

"Okay..see you later Grey!!"

"Bye!! Love you!!" I said as I waved to you

"Love you too!!"

You logged off and I closed my computer.


I'm done! I finished everything! Here I am, sitting on a couch while eating popcorn..

My phone rang and I answered it.


"Hey Greyson! It's me Lexi.."

"Oh..hey Lexi.." I said

"So, are you gonna go with me?" she asked

"Uh..yeah..." I said

"Great! I'll just text you my address...pick me up at 7 pm.. See you!!" she said

She hanged up before I could say anything.

Well, you said it's fine even though I don't want to but I'm not being mean... I just...don't want to go...

It's I said earlier, I'm done everything...

I continued to eat my popcorn and sat there silently. 

My phone rang again and it was Lexi. Again. 

"Hello?" I said

"Greyson, can you come over?" she asked

What? Did she just ask me to come over? To her house?

"W-what?" I asked

"Can you come over to my house? My parents want to meet you well, they do know you but they never met you personally and since you're my date to the school dance, they want to meet you..." she explained

She's kidding right? 


"I'll take that as a yes! See you later! Come over at 8 so you can have dinner with us! Bye!" she said, hanging up. Once again, I didn't even say yes.

How can she not know my life right now? I'm not bragging but what if someone's going to see me? They're gonna see me going to Lexi's house then the rumour will start that me and Lexi are dating. What about me and you? I mean, how can she not understand?? Oh and another question, how did she get my number? 

I sighed and finished my popcorn. It's going to be a long weekend... 


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