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Klaus sat in the Lockwood cellar, holding his head in his hands. He was unable to sleep after Layla's death. He thought that this would be the time, that this would be the time that he could save her. It all made sense, he thought he would find away, the meeting with Michelle, the witch, her vision of her mother and the ring, Esther coming back. But he had failed once again. If he was dead, then at least they could be together on the other side.

Bonnie came back into the cellar, visible crying. She had her hand clasped around something, that caught Klaus' attention.

"What is that?" He asked in Tyler's voice.

"Umm, Layla's ring, the one you gave her the night of the ball." Bonnie said holding her palm out for him. "She gave it to Rebekah, and now I have it." Bonnie dropped the ring into Klaus' hand, "Keep it."

Klaus' breath hitched in his throat. "Thank you. Where is she?"

"The morgue, I guess. Damon took her to the hospital. He is a mess, of what happened."

"Elena is no longer my problem, now put me in my body." Klaus told her.

"I can't right now."

"Your history teacher outed Tyler and Caroline to the Council." Klaus told her, "They're on a war path and this body's vulnerable."

"I have to help Elena before she has to feed." Bonnie told him.

"Elena's dead and no longer my concern. My concern is to see Layla off properly."

Bonnie shook her head, "You're forgetting who just saved your life."

Klaus grabbed Bonnie by the throat, "And you're forgetting that I could rip your tongue out. Now put me back."

Bonnie struggle, "If I can keep Elena human, you'll still have an endless blood supply to make your hybrids. Isn't that what you really want?"

Klaus released Bonnie and she began to leave, but he rushed in front of her blocking her way, "No, I want Layla back. Figure out a way and I will let you go but, same rules apply. No one knows. No one. Do you understand me, Bonnie?"
Whits light, that is what filled Layla's eyes. She tried to comprehend what happen. The last thing she remembered was Klaus being staked. She was killed by Alaric. She was dead. She took her surrounding in, it was all white, she was laying on the hard ground. Was this heaven of hell? She slowly sat up, her body aching slightly. She was wearing a white dress, that went past her ankles. Her hair was down, flowing past her shoulders. Her vision was blurred, but she could make out four figures standing a distance away.

She stood up and began to walk over to them. "Hello?" she called out.

There was no response. As she inched closer to the people, she could make out there faces. Those faces that haunted her dreams. The faces of her dead family.

"Mom? Dad?"

The people returned with a smile. It was them, she was dead, crossed over with her family. She ran to them hugging them tightly she, noticed her older sibling standing behind her parents. Smiles pressed onto there faces.

"Is this real?" she asked.

Her mother nodded and smiled, "Of course it is."

"So I'm dead?" Layla asked slightly.

"Why did you take the ring off, Layla?" Her father asked softly.

"Klaus was gone, he needed it when I returned." She ran her hands through her hair, "He's dead."

Her mother picked her face up. "You might be able to go back, don't go with Klaus."

Layla pulled away. Klaus was on the other side, she needed to find him. They needed to be together. "I need Klaus, I can't be he without him. He died, I won't come back, I need to see him!"

I Miss You (Klaus Mikaelson)Where stories live. Discover now