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A/N Sorry I havn't been writing lately...I got super sick and my homework was crazy but I hope you guys like the new chapter :) -Kayla

It had been a week scince Jc called off the wedding. Jc was planning to move out and Jenn was still a broken mess over it. She kept telling me to just tell Kian I couldn't marry him...but I don't know what was wrong with me. I couldn't bring myself to tell him. I had already baught my wedding dress to. Ricky came to the wedding fitting because he was one of my best friends...he seemed so hurt, so depressed when he saw me come out in the beautiful white gown. Lias due date was in about 4 weeks and my wedding was can I get thorugh this.

I start to walk down the stairs feeling more depressed than a bride should be on her wedding. I look downstairs and see all of the guys laughing and trying to make food. I run into the kitchen and kiss Kian on the cheak. I may have to fake it. He turns and kisses me on the lips. "Now...all of you GET OUT! Jenn, Lia and I have to get ready!" I screan. Kian sighs and the boys leave to get into the car and to the venue, the girls and I were just going to get ready at the house. Jenn and Lia come running down the stairs with their dresses in their hands. Kian and I went with a light blue and white for our color theme, it was going to be a beach wedding.

"Isla I don't know how the heack baby Addis is going to fit in here!" She starts to laugh.

Lia and Ricky found out they were having a baby boy and they were naming him's an interesting name but if I ever have a baby girl I want her name to be Lilac.

I laugh and say, "Just try to squeeze you and him in their." Jenn looks at the couch where I put my wedding dress the night before. I could see a tear roll down her eyes, I try to ignore her so she could have her moment, she was still depressed because of Jc. We all get dressed and meet the boys at the venue.

We take the first look photos and the look on Kians face was pricless...we both started to tear up. This time I wasn't faking it. I think this time I reallt did love him. Before I know it I'm being walked down the isle by David. Yes my big brother was walking me down the isle because I didn't invite my parents...they were still crazy. When David gives me off to Kian the service starts. It was beautiful, until the preacher said, "Does anyone object this wedding?"

Then I here a shaky voice and Ricky pop his head out of the groosmen line, "I object."

Everyone went silant and Lia got a big look in her eyes and whispered, "I think my water broke."

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