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It's been a week scince the confrontation with Ricky. He didn't talk about it and I was okay with that. He started hanging out with Lia more at her place and I was with Kian a lot to. But I still can't get him out of my mind. I tried to be there for Kian but I couldn't focus. I was stuck in this state of confusion and anger. I could tell Kian knew that to. But even Kian wouldn't talk about it.

I felt like I was just sleep walking through the weeks. I was in a few videos with Kian and pressed on a mask of happiness. In all honesty I was in love with Ricky.

I walked into our warm airy house and saw Kian and Lia making food. Kian was not far behind my holding my hand and I hear Jenn say from the couch, "Hey guys! Come watch this movie with us!"

Kian and I make our way over to the couch and he puts his arm around me. The movie was The Proposal because lets admit it we all have that romantic comedy lover inside of us. I hear little giggles in the kitchen and see Lia and Ricky flirting. They were so happy together. Rikcy seemed like he didn't even care about me anymore. That hurt so bad.

I snuggle more into Kians arm and he gives me an 'are you okay' look. I just look back at the T.V and try to ignore the flirt fest happining in the kitchen. After the movie finnished and we ate the meal Ricky and Lia made I led Kian up into my room. I've only stayed at his house because he lived alone and it was more private, but I didn't want to go back there and think of Ricky.

Kian frowns at me and says in a conserning tone, "Are you okay Isla? You've just been acting really weird and distant."

I just shake my head trying to not let the tears slip out and have him relize I didn't know if I really loved him.

Kian sits me down on the bed and chokes out in a whisper, "You don't really love me do you?"

Now the tears were about to slip out. He knew, he knew everything. But for how long?

He sits down next to me and grabs my hand, "It's okay." Now the tears were starting to slip out of his eyes. "I understand...we went to fast. I knew something was wrong a week ago. I will wait for you Isla. While you try and figure out everything I will always be here. I will love you no matter what your desision is."

He plants a kiss on my forehead and leaves me alone in tears.

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